in #spanish5 years ago (edited)
Sample Presentation Card | Tarjeta de presentación de muestra
Today we have selected the publication "Towards the Sun" | BTS Yoongi | Mixed media: aquarelle, acrylics, watercolors, soft pastels and colored pencils
Hoy hemos seleccionado la publicación "Hacia el sol" | BTS Yoongi | Técnica mixta: acuarela, acrílicos, acuarelas, pasteles suaves y lápices de colores de @buhuhuart, Esta artista resalta sus obras artísticas usando en forma equilibrada y al mismo tiempo la acuarela, el acrílico, pasteles suaves y lápices de colores, realmente sus técnicas son de admiración.
I started designing a few drops of magenta, blue, green and yellow paints
I used the Neuton font with the colors green, yellow and magenta
I designed the brush completely in vectors

I hope you like the design

This is a project to support creative talent, we design your free business card when applying for our daily artistic healing, you just have to publish your 100% original content (Images and Text, nothing downloaded from the Internet) on the Steem Blockchain. Digital vector design, freehand drawing, watercolor painting, crayons, tempera, spray, oil, Chinese ink, all material and style is accepted.
Este es un proyecto para apoyar el talento creativo, te diseñamos tu tarjeta de presentación gratuita al postular en nuestra curación artística diaria, solo tienes que publicar tu contenido 100% original (Imágenes y Texto, nada bajado de Internet) en la Steem Blockchain. Diseño vectorial digital, dibujo a mano alzada, pintura en acuarela, creyones, tempera, spray, oleo, tinta china, todo material y estilo es aceptado.

from @buhuhuart, This artist highlights her artistic works using in a balanced way and at the same time watercolor, acrylic, soft pastels and colored pencils, her techniques are really admiring.

Hi andresbello,

please use the #nobel hashtag only for charity, where you give us a proof of charity.

Achim Mertens

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment