Son días de mucho calor y que mejor manera de combatirlo que con un chapuzón en una piscina.
They are very hot days and what better way to combat it with a swim in a pool.
Hacer, instalar e incluso mantener una piscina puede resultar caro. El espacio, los materiales de construcción, los de mantenimiento... todo suma. Si podemos utilizar algún material de los que ya disponemos, mucho mejor.
Make, install and even maintain a pool can be expensive. The space, building materials, the maintenance... all cost money. If I can use some material that already Ihave, much better.
La ECO-new de hoy es que existen mucha alternativas para la construcción de vuestra piscina. Puedes elegir entre una amplia gama de piscinas con materiales reutilizados y reciclados. Algunas más difíciles de construir otras más accesibles. Tan bien influye el ingenio y la imaginación.
The ECO-new today is that there are many alternatives for the construction of your pool. You can choose between a wide range of pools with reused and recycled materials. Some more difficult to construct other more accessible. As well influences the ingenuity and imagination.
Estas son algunas ideas:
These are some ideas:
con palets | with pallets
con un autobús viejo | with an old bus
con cajas de cervezas | with boxes of beers
con un coche | with a car
con un contenedor de escombros | with a container of debris
con un camión | with a truck
con pacas de paja | with straw bales
con un gran envase de plástico | with a large plastic container
Ya veis que con un poco de imaginación podemos ahorrarnos dinero, pasar un buen rato y cuidar el planeta
As you can see that with a little imagination we can save money, have a good time and take care of the planet
El resto de información e imágenes son de aquí:
That is really cool i am going to do something similar. THANKS FOR POSTING.
Something similar?
Thanks for the comment We want to see @santiagodobles, we want photos
Very cool @assus! My favourite is the beer boxes ;) I also like the last few as I now live in the country and slowly becoming a country feller lol. Cheers! BTW, I have some new Canadian music posted. Go check it out \m/
Beer boxes... You are a smart boy ;)
Then I will check your Canadian rock bands.
Thanks for your comment @slynch
Nice ideas to build a pool! Maybe gonna build it some day :)
If you build it we want to see photos swiming in your new pool ;)