Nunca antes del café- never before coffee

in #spanish5 years ago

Ella con mucho amor me dijo que escribía para mí, pero que no quería mostrarlo al público porque sus escritos eran un enredo. Yo he pensado como Max Brox el amigo de Kafka: Es mejor compartir tus palabras.

Encuentra tu camino de tierra y camina.

El concepto desarrollo sostenible es una falacia(engaño o mentira que se esconde bajo algo) y la máxima insensibilidad al entorno natural, es mayoritariamente de la gente que lo trabaja, la del agricultor. Vivo en un pueblo rodeado de huerta y me resulta muy difícil encontrar un camino de tierra, todos están llenos de gravilla y piedra para que no se hagan charcos, para que los camiones, tractores y coches de los propietarios de los huertos puedan pasar... se ha ahogado la tierra y encerrado lo que de ella emana a nuestros pies, a nuestro cuerpo, a nuestro interior, nos hemos restringido ser tierra, origen...nosotros mismos. Estamos hechos de lo que pisamos, respiramos, de lo que nos atraviesa en forma de ondas emanadas del sol y del suelo, de lo que comemos...viviendo en un pueblo rodeado de huerta, me ha costado encontrar un camino de tierra, pisarla mojada de lluvia, es indescriptible. Encuentra tu camino de tierra y camina.

She with a lot of love told me that she wrote for me, but that she didn't want to show it to the public because her writings were a mess. I've thought like Max Brox Kafka's friend: It's better to share your words.

Find your dirt road and walk.

The concept of sustainable development is a fallacy (deception or lie that hides under something) and the maximum insensitivity to the natural environment is mostly of the people who work it, that of the farmer. I live in a village surrounded by an orchard and I find it very difficult to find a dirt road, all are full of gravel and stone so that no puddles are made, so that the trucks, tractors and cars of the owners of the orchards can pass .. The earth has drowned and enclosed what emanates from it at our feet, to our body, to our interior, we have restricted ourselves from being earth, origin ... ourselves. We are made of what we step on, we breathe, what goes through us in the form of waves emanating from the sun and the ground, what we eat ... living in a village surrounded by an orchard, it has been hard for me to find a dirt road, step on it Wet with rain, it is indescribable. Find your dirt road and walk
 5 years ago  Reveal Comment