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RE: Amargura. (poema)

in #spanish6 years ago

I live bitter hours,
You left, today I live my own hell.
My heart is broken.
My mind does not get north.
I live bitter hours,
I feel my blood boiling,
my rage is lodged in my chest,
making my tears flow
I live bitter hours,
I seek to express what I feel,
but my voice does not come out,
I have a mute in my throat.
I live bitter hours,
your false love had no compassion.
I offered you my love,
I only received ridicule and more ridicule.
I live bitter hours,
today solitude gives me a lesson,
time and distance vanish,
the bitter hours.


Thank you. That is very deep. Beautiful actually. Very soulful.

Thank you very much, my greetings.

Oooooh en ingles se puede cantar mejooor.