I hope you don't mind that I translated this to English.
Affective archetypes
According to the scholar of Mythology Joseph Campbell, there are four levels or groups in which to frame the feeling of "love", understood in the generic sense of bond between two people, apart from times, fads and traditions.
According to his vision, he associated him with the love of deity in his mythological sense, in his condition of myth, that is to say, as an internal power of human nature.
(1) The love of the servant to the master
It's the kind of feeling that unites our parents when we're kids. We depend entirely on our attendance and in our "love" to them there is the knowledge, conscious or intuitive, that we depend on them.
It can also be the sentiment that exists between an employee and his boss, or even between a husband and his wife, or vice versa. It could also be seen, in a way, as the one given in the feudal era among the Lords who protected the peasants and peasants who surrendered tribute to the Lord.
It's not a link between equals. There is a hierarchical position of one over another and the nexus that unites them respects that hierarchy because it is understood as a mutual benefit.
It was very common in bygone times and is full of rituals and superstitions. In their dynamics there are rules and they are fulfilled.
In this kind of "love", deity is the master.
(2) The love of the friend to the friend
It is the kind of feeling that we associate with love in the social interaction of contemporary culture. It is the one that unites two equals in respect and mutual care. The one that unites a balanced couple, boyfriends, spouses, friends, partners...
It is also the one who joined Jesus with his apostles, because at a time of the relationship with his disciples he told them that they were no longer disciples, but friends, and that the things he did could also be done by them. He was the "son of God" but he called his followers brothers.
In this kind of relationship the deity is mutual.
(3) The love of the adult to the child
It is the feeling an adult feels toward the child, the father or the mother for a child. He is full of compassion for the helpless and admiration of the original innocence.
The classic example in Catholic culture is the adoration of Bethlehem.
It is the kind of love in which the deity is the child.
(4) Illicit love
It's the most complex and interesting. This kind of bond began to spread with polite love in the Middle Ages, as adulterous love was punished with death. It is the one who breaks rules, which transcends social or collective norms. He who leads to save a life at the risk of his own, in short, the one who risks. It is the love that is attached to ecstasy.
It's forbidden love.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the four are present in history, in tradition, in culture... and therefore, to a greater or lesser degree, present in our days, in the life of any human being, in any society.
The more advanced a society, there will be fewer links established following the first pattern and more links that follow the second.
The third and fourth are always present because, fortunately, there will always be attraction to warmth and tenderness as well as fascination for transgressing the conventional.
Thanks! Very kind of you! :)
Muy bueno