Enjoying the bees 🐝 Disfrutando las abejas

in #spanish8 years ago

IMG_2543.JPG Me encanta ver las abejas comiendo de las flor es algo muy bonito
I love watching bees pollinate its a beautiful sightIMG_2544.JPG ya casi no veo abejas hay más mosquitos que quien sabe que! Entonces estoy feliz que vi estas bello sábado a todos mis amigos🌺🌺
I don't hardly see bees anymore I don't know what's going on I mostly see beetles and mosquitos! Lol have a beautiful Saturday evening and Sunday morning❤️❤️


Those are really cool pictures! Bees arelike bumble bees are on the endangered species list. Things like pesticides, pollution, and destruction of their habitats are killing them off. It's horrible when they help mother nature do her work to regrow plant life.

Oh no I hope they don't become extinct we need them! And they're beautiful thank you for informing me❤️

Beautiful pictures ::)) I don't like Bees ::(( They don't play nice lol ::))

They will only harm you when you harm them. And they certainly don't go out of their way to harm you. 🐋🐝🐋

liked and followed :)

Thank you frag! Enjoy your evening

I to like watching them sadly I have read there is a huge drop of the number of bees in the world which is very worrying

Do you know why? Those are the first two I've seen all year and I have lots of flowers!

Your post is very funny but you are right, we need to acknowledge the importance of bees.


Good photo😄

Beautifully captured. Bees like white and yellow, blue and violet flowers especially. So if you're considering what to plant, and have a choice, always go for flowers of these colours.

Do a search for 'what's killing the bees' ~ It's not really a mystery. But resolving the cause is HUGE. Starts with personal awareness though and making friends with the bees as you are doing is a great start. 🐋🐝🐋

Thank you ally for the comment and the info, beautiful Sunday to you!🌺