[ESP/ENG] Las flores blancas aromáticas/ Aromatic white flowers.

in #spanish2 years ago
Authored by @Danieli98


Feliz dia familia, bendiciones para todos, ya la planta de mi jardín bouquet de novia esta florecida y no saben el aroma que emanan, es agradable y mas cuando el tiempo esta tranquilo y nublado.

Mientras mas la riegue mas va a florecer, tomo algunas flores y las coloco en mi habitación y el aroma agradable se esparce, una vez que cambian de color las saco.

Es una planta dificil de pegar, una de las formas es por rama y debemos hacerlo cuidadosamente si no queremos perder el trabajo.

Es bueno pegarlas en un porrón, una vez ya tenga la raiz es mas facil que colocar la rama directamente en el suelo.

Una de las tecnicas es podarlas y que esta quede bien elegante y mas con esas flores blancas aromáticas que atraen a las mariposas y abejas.

De pequeño siempre las tomaba y colocaba en floreros, y quedaban en la sala y mi madre me ayudaba con otras flores para terminar la decoración.

Happy day family, blessings to all, and the plant in my garden bridal bouquet is in bloom and you don't know the aroma that emanates, it is pleasant and more when the weather is calm and cloudy.

The more I water it, the more it will bloom in the room, I take some flowers and place them in myself and the pleasant aroma spreads, once the color changes I take them out.

It is a difficult plant to stick, one of the ways is by branch and we must do it carefully if we do not want to lose the job.

It is good to stick them in a porrón, once you have the root it is easier than placing the branch directly on the ground.

One of the techniques is to prune them and make it look very elegant and more so with those aromatic white flowers that attract butterflies and bees.

When I was little I always took them and placed them in vases, and they stayed in the living room and my mother helped me with other flowers to finish the decoration.


