[ESP/ENG] Variedad de flores Diego/ Variety of flowers Diego.

in #spanishlast year
Authored by @Danieli98


Feliz dia familia, bendiciones para todos, hoy les hablaré sobre la gran variedad de flores de Diego que nos podemos encontrar yo actualmente tengo de tres colores y me gusta mucho mantenerlas en porrón porque se adaptan perfectamente y se mes facilita cuidarlas.

Durante la sequia se me estaban marchitando ya que son plantas de climas tropicales y frio y por ende necesitan estar frescas, asi que hice lo que pude para mantenerlas, buscarles una sombra es la mejor opción y regarlas frecuentemente.

Los gusanos tambien me las estaban atacando y empezaron a comerse las hojas pero lo solucione rápidamente con insecticidas naturales.

Ahora la meta es ayudar a que sus hojas se fortalezcan y que las flores no se marchiten rápidamente porque son duraderas pero las altas temperaturas no cooperan.

Esta la de color rojo que pronto la tendre en mi jardín, asi como la amarillo, naranja entre otras.

Happy day family, blessings to all, today I will talk about the great variety of Diego flowers that we can find. I currently have three colors and I really like to keep them in a porrón because they adapt perfectly and it is easy for me to take care of them.

During the drought they were leaving me since they are plants of tropical and cold climates and therefore they need to be cool, so I did what I could to keep them, looking for shade is the best option and watering them frequently.

The worms were also attacking me and began to eat the leaves but I solved it quickly with natural insecticides.

Now the goal is to help the leaves get stronger and the flowers do not wither quickly because they are long-lasting but the high temperatures do not cooperate.

There is the red one that I will soon have in my garden, as well as the yellow, orange, among others.


