Guns Vs Words: Protests for Democracy in Venezuela

in #spanish ā€¢ 8 years ago

In a peaceful protest the national guard use GUNS against the protesters! They kill the ones holding signs, the ones shouting the truth. The ones that don't deserve it.

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Okay, Im just writing this just to let know everybody in steemit community and the world that in Venezuela, Police is violating every human right and the bullshit that they say to the international media is not true, we're having the worst humanitary crisis in the story of the country, people are desperate to quit socialist goverment, they destroyed the entire economy with their failure model, we have no medicines, we have to buy chhineses versions of head and shoulders shampoo and stuff like that, we have to buy shitty products because goverment does'nt wannt to buy things that comes from transnational companies, a lot people is tired of living with 10USD per month (or less) there are kids in the streets waiting for you to come out the food places to tell you ''hey can you give me a little peace of that sandwich? im really hungry'' thats the reality we're living in this country, im fucking tired of this situation, as the time pass by, I see more and more people in extreme poverty situation. Its not fair that people that is protesting for a better place to live are being shooted with no pity by the military police of Venezuela , it cannot happen anymore, I feel really bad when I realize that someone died again shooted by a police, and the goverment saying in the TV that they won the victory they killed a TERRORIST... Really sad all this... they see terrorism on a group of young protestant students with signs and flags who are wiling to raise their voices to a communist goverment Which has taken away almost everything, goverment says ''we can lose all, we can walk without shoes, even if we have nothing to eat, there's only one thing that matters, WE HAVE HOMELAND''

In here there is no money for buying food and medicine, but they have a lot of money for buying weapons, tear gas and bullets.


Nicolas Maduro, you are the devil

Thanks to for the images I used in this post.

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Very sad for Humanity I hope other countries would intervene! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

I hope that too, bro :c