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RE: Prefiero una pata sobre una mano 🐾

in #spanish7 years ago

I ran this through Google translate with, by the looks of it, 98% success. Pets are not pets they are full-blown family members. Glad Clifford is doing well.

Google Translate: English
Sometimes we find love in incredible ways, from a family member, a friend even in your pet. In this case, I am talking about a dog, that little or big friend that is with you in all situations when you are on top of the world and in your basses, he will never leave your side.

Today I'm going to talk about Cliffrod, my best friend, that little foxtato that I love with all my heart.

Clifford was a gift from my dad when my sister and I were 5 years old, I think él, he was so small that he could fit in my dad's hand, when I did not show them our eyes shone with emotion, we rushed to thank him Dad and play with Clifford. With the months clifford was growing but one day he got sick, my mom took him to the vet, he did not succeed, he died, my mom put him in a box, when he came home to give us the news, she heard noises that prevented from the box and when I take a look, it was clifford, I WAS LIVE !!!! I do not know how but I was.

In June of this year, he was 12 years old, he was having problems with fleas, he got sick again and I thought he would not be saved once, my family and I needed to travel but my dad stayed home, my sister was very sad In leaving Clifford alone, my dad realized how important Clifford was to my sister, we traveled and during this time Papa took him to the vet, he had 3 operations, three !!! That was a lot for a small dog, when we returned home and we saw our heart broke, I could not believe how thin it was, the day after I woke up I went to see it, I was so weak and for the first time I could carry it without being shot To bite, I told him that please recover soon, my sister needed it.

Five months later, clifford is much better, runs too much, is stuffed like a turkey, and began to destroy his toys, is again a puppy, does not look like a dog of 13 years. When I have a bad day, I go with him and my mood rises, he waits for us at the door. I love it too much, it's the most important thing I have 🐾


Thank you very much😊