Después de casi un mes y medio de vacaciones en el centro clínico privado donde trabajo como enfermera, en el área de UTIN(unidad terapia intensiva neonatal) hoy en mi reintegro consigo un neonatos de 27 días de vida conectado a ventilacion asistida mediante un CPAP nasal,esta es una manera de suministrarle oxígeno al recién nacido mediante un sistema no invasivo.
After almost a month and a half of vacation in the private clinical center where I work as a nurse, in the NICU area (neonatal intensive care unit) today in my reinstatement you will get a 27-day-old neonates connected to assisted ventilation using a nasal CPAP This is a way to supply oxygen to the newborn through a non-invasive system.
Extrañaba volver aquí a relacionarme con mis compañeras,con los médicos del área en neonatología, y sobre todo poder cuidar de estás pequeñas criaturitas que luchan por sus vida y por regresar sanos a su hogar.
I missed coming back here to interact with my colleagues, with the area doctors in neonatology, and above all to be able to take care of these little creatures who are fighting for their lives and to return home healthy.
Ya tengo más de 10 años ejerciendo esta profesión aquí en este centro privado amo lo que hago soy enfermera por vocación.
I have already practiced this profession for more than 10 years here in this private center. I love what I do. I am a nurse by vocation.
Thanks for showing photos of you at work! And thank you for helping those little boys and girls who need you.
My baby boy (7 months old now) was born with some risk factors, and slightly premature, but he was healthy and did not need to go to the ICU. He is very healthy and smart now :)