Sino nos mata la pandemia,nos mata el hambre,la inflación y la falta de gasolina.If not, the pandemic kills us, hunger, inflation and the lack of gasoline kill us.

in #spanish5 years ago

Me fui desde muy temprano en la mañana hacer la cola para hecharle gasolina a el carro que es mi medio de transporte para dirigirme a mi sitio de trabajo.pasado casi 4 horas en la cola cuando ya me iba acercando a la estación de servicio,llega un uniformado de la guardia y notifica que se acabó el combustible, muchas personas se salieron de sus carros a buscar explicación,ya que existe un decreto que el personal de salud tiene el privilegio para surtir de gasolina.

I left very early in the morning to stand in line to fill the car with gasoline, which is my means of transportation to go to my workplace. After almost 4 hours in line when I was approaching the service station, he arrives A uniformed officer of the guard and reports that the fuel has run out, many people left their cars to seek explanation, since there is a decree that health personnel have the privilege to fill up with gasoline.

Aquí están unas fotos de la cola,y un aproximado por dónde yo quedé.

Here are some pictures of the tail, and an approximate where I was.

Cada día está situación para ir a trabajar es bastante complicada sino surto de gasolina no puedo llegar a mi sitio de trabajo,ni salir a comprar las pocas cosas para alimentar a los niños ya que se compra al día lo que nos vamos a comer..

Every day this situation to go to work is quite complicated but if I fill up on gasoline I cannot get to my workplace, nor go out to buy the few things to feed the children, since what we are going to eat is bought daily.


Thank you for showing photos of the situation there.

Yes, friend, and while I can do it, we cannot cover the sun with a finger, what is experienced here in my country, many people are blind, but what we live is very sad, I think a lot about my children and their future! 😞