El deporte se hizo para fortalecer el cuerpo, pero también los lazos de amistad, ninguna competencia te pone por encima de otro ser humano, solo reconoce tus talentos individuales.

Debemos aprender, desde nuestra infancia que en las competencias deportivas no hay ganadores ni perdedores, solo un grupo de personas esforzándose y dando lo mejor de sí para competir y demostrar sus habilidades.
Si se juega limpio, se gana bien, esa es la premisa.
Me gusta el mensaje que muestras en el contenido, debemos ser valiente y creer en el amor, es lo verdaderamente alimenta nuestro ser, me tomé el atrevimiento de promover este post en #PayItForward del amigo @pifc a través de mi publicación.
Hi there!
Congratulations on being featured by @adeljose in an entry for the Pay It Forward Contest
Sadly, we need the coaches and parents to help teach that. There is too much emphasis on being the best and winning. Ideally, sports should teach someone focus, drive and determination. These are skills that are needed to succeed. It's not going to the extreme and learning to enjoy the activity at the same time, that is just as important.
You were featured in week 66 of @pifc's Pay It Forward Curation Contest by @adeljose. @pifc is a Pay It Forward Community which believes in by helping others grow we build a stronger community. We run this contest each week, it is open to everyone. It's a great way to show off people you find that might need some more exposure, meet new people, and possibly win some SBI for you and your features.