Spanish - English
Grandfather's Relic
I still remember that horrible night with terror. It was so real that I thought I would die that day. Mom used to tell us, "Don't touch Grandpa's things and never try to open the dark trunk under his bed, it's very sacred to Dad."
Tanto misterio con ese pedazo de baúl…. Incrementaron mi curiosidad. ¿Que habia allí adentro? , ¿que estaban ocultando? , ¿porqué tanto misterio?. Así que ese día, mientras el abuelito dormía en su chinchorro debajo de la mata de mango, entre muy furtivamente a su cuarto, y saque el baul oscuro para descubrir aquello que ellos ocultaban con tanto cuidado.
So much mystery with that piece of trunkCOPY00 Increased my curiosity. What was in there? What were they hiding? Why so much mystery? So that day, while the grandfather was sleeping in his hammock under the mango tree, I sneaked into his room, and took out the dark trunk to discover what they were hiding so carefully.
Allí estaba… No podia creerlo, ¿de que se trata?, parece un pollito gigante que se trago un enorme juego de ludo. Mientras lo observaba , me senté en La cama del abuelo y me quede dormido con ese extraño objeto entre mis manos.
There it was... I couldn't believe it, what was it, it looked like a giant chick that swallowed a huge ludo game. While I was watching it, I sat down on Grandpa's bed and fell asleep with that strange object in my hands.
¿En que momento entre en ese bosque? No lo sé. Solo me hizo recordar los cuentos que solía leer mi madre sobre bosques encantados, en ese momento, las piernas me comenzaron a temblar, el corazón latía tan rápido, que parece que se me saldría del corazón.
At what point did I enter that forest? I don't know. It only reminded me of the stories my mother used to read about enchanted forests, at that moment, my legs began to tremble, my heart was beating so fast, it seemed like it would jump out of my heart.
En ese momento cerré los ojos y sentí qué unas manos peludas muy frias tocaban mi hombro, era esa horrible imagen que había tomado del baúl del abuelo, era tan gigante que no pude hablar de la conmoción, se notaba dentro de su estómago esos pasadizos secretos, no se si perdí las corduras, pero me pareció ver muchos niños encerrados en ese lugar.
At that moment I closed my eyes and I felt some very cold hairy hands touching my shoulder, it was that horrible image I had taken from grandfather's trunk, it was so gigantic that I could not speak from the shock, I could see inside his stomach those secret passages, I do not know if I lost my senses, but I seemed to see many children locked in that place.
Sus ojos me impresionaron, parecían orbitas de satélites resplandecientes, ese color de su piel Diooos… era tan verde como una manzana, tan fluorecente como luz de vengala, se sentia tan baboso, que me daba asco. Cuando abrió su boca y observe sus dientes como de dragón el miedo me paralizó que entré en panico.
His eyes impressed me, they looked like glowing satellite orbs, that color of his skin Diooos... it was as green as an apple, as fluorecent as vengala light, it felt so slimy, it disgusted me. When he opened his mouth and I saw his dragon-like teeth, I was paralyzed with fear and panicked.
Comencé a gritar desesperado mientras intentaba safarme de esas manos frías y peludas que intentaban someterme… pero algo lo detuvo… la imagen del abuelo que aún conservaba en mis manos. De repente se escucho como un estruendo, era su voz que me repetía con furia: “De donde sacaste esa reliquia… yo tartamudeaba, y como pude contesté: “es de mi abuelo”.
I began to scream in desperation as I tried to free myself from those cold and hairy hands that were trying to subdue me... but something stopped him... the image of my grandfather that I still held in my hands. Suddenly I heard like a roar, it was his voice repeating furiously: "Where did you get that relic... I stammered, and as best I could I answered: "It's my grandfather's".
En ese momento, logré safarme de sus manos y corri por todo el bosque buscando un lugar para esconderme, parece que las Cuevas, árboles y pasadizos decidieron cerrarse por completo, pues me encontré en medio de la nada, mientras observaba como poco a poco se acercaba a mi, Pollo Espiral, no pude soportar tanto miedo y me desmayé de ipso facto.
At that moment, I managed to get out of his hands and ran through the forest looking for a place to hide, it seems that the caves, trees and passages decided to close completely, because I found myself in the middle of nowhere, while watching how little by little he approached me, Chicken Spiral, I could not stand so much fear and I fainted ipso facto.
Cuando desperté, estaba entre los brazos de mi abuelo y mi madre quienes susurraban: “todo está bien… fue solo un sueño”. Recuerdo que le dije al abuelo: “abuelito… te lo prometo , más nunca tocaré tus cosas”. Mi adorable abuelo, tomó de mis manos el extraño objeto y dijo: “vaya vaya… el pollo expiral, al fin de conocieron.
When I woke up, I was in the arms of my grandfather and my mother who whispered: "everything is fine... it was just a dream". I remember I said to my grandfather: "grandpa... I promise, I will never touch your things again". My adorable grandfather, took the strange object from my hands and said: "wow wow... the expiral chicken, at last they met.
¿De que hablas abuelito? Le pregunté, es que ¿acaso tú conoces a pollo espiral?, el sonriendo me tocó la mejilla y respondió: “jamás vuelvas a tocar esta reliquia, promete que nunca abrirás nuevamente este baúl?. Alli hay una historia de terror escondida por siglos y generaciones… pero esa, es otra historia.
What are you talking about, grandpa? I asked him, "Do you know the spiral chicken? smiling, he touched my cheek and answered: "Never touch this relic again, promise you will never open this trunk again? There is a story of terror hidden there for centuries and generations... but that is another story.
enlaceGracias a mi amiga @damarysvibra. Hago la invitacion a @olis1965, @nara61 y @nill2021. Este es el
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