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RE: Por que los humanos somos tan salvajes. Aprendamos a cazar solo lo que comeremos.(English translate down)

in #spanish7 years ago

Thanks for the visit, if in fact we should all protect them because they eat mice that are much more dangerous than a simple snake.

if many people have no idea of ​​the importance of these noble animals in our environment.

And if you are going to eat it, there is no problem but in this case I felt very sad because no one would eat it.

by the way there is a legend here that if you eat snakes your immune system, it can be affected and then the analgesics will not affect you, much less the anesthesia.

Well, once I had an operation, I asked the anesthesiologist and he told me that it is true because many of the anesthetics are venoms of thinly-shaped serpents in smaller doses not as strong as those of a snake that can paralyze the central nervous system in little time while science has thinned those venomous so that we can use humans with little risk.

For this reason, I still do not try to live a rattlesnake for fear of this, although they say that they are very wonderful because they help the health except for that little detail.

imagine going to the dentist and not having anesthesia would be a bit painful.

Thanks for the visit a great pleasure.