Hola amigos de la COLMENA, este es mi segundo post del reto de curación Redfish Rally 500 correspondiente a la primera semana de Mayo entre los días 1 al 10.
El Redfish Rally 500 es un reto de curación propuesto por el gran equipo de la comunidad @theterminal, a la cual puedes unirte en el servidor de discord. El objetivo consiste en elegir a un amigo de la categoría redfish y comentar porque pensamos que su post debería ser leído por todos. Si deseas visitar los post escritos por los concursantes puedes utilizar la etiqueta #rrcc donde podrás elegir y votar por tu favorito.
Si eres decidido y deseas participar haz click aqui (post en ingles), donde podrás leer toda la información sobre este reto incluyendo las reglas y los premios que puedes ganar.
"mi mama planificando sus actividades en cuarentena".En esta oportunidad he decidido apoyar a @anthony2019, quien es el autor del post
Tomado del post del autor
Con este post Anthony ha querido rendir un pequeño homenaje a su madre, quien es profesional de la docencia y que a pesar de toda la situación crítica que atraviesa Venezuela, no solo por la cuarentena y el distanciamiento social debido al covid-19, sino también debido a las malas políticas del gobierno que han deteriorado la calidad de vida de los venezolanos privándolos inclusive hasta de los servicios públicos mas básicos como el internet y otros, es una acción noble y digna de admiración que maestras como la Sra. Nubraska, madre del autor, continúe sin darse por vencida, aportando su granito de arena día a día para brindar lo mejor de si a sus alumnos.
En sus acciones se ven reflejada las acciones de miles de maestro y profesores alrededor del mundo que a pesar de las muchas dificultades trabajan por seguir adelante por ellos y por sus alumnos apostando siempre por un mejor futuro. Sin duda ser maestro o profesor es una profesión muy humana y admirable.
Por eso si han leído hasta aquí los invito a que lean, comenten y apoyen a este joven su post.
Hello friends of the HIVE, this is my second post of the Redfish Rally 500 curation challenge corresponding to the first week of May between days 1 to 10.
The Redfish Rally 500 is a curation challenge proposed by the great community team @theterminal, which you can join on the discord server. The goal is to choose a friend’s post from the redfish category and comment why we think it should be read by everyone. If you want to visit the posts written by the contestants, you can use the #rrcc tag where you can choose and vote for your favorite.
If you are determined and want to participate, click here, where you can read all the information about this challenge including the rules and the fabulous prizes you can win.
On this occasion I have decided to support @ anthony2019, who is the author of the post "my mom planning her activities in quarantine".
Taken from the author's post
With this post Anthony has wanted to pay a small tribute to his mother, who is a teaching professional and despite all the critical situation that Venezuela is going through, not only because of the quarantine and the social distancing due to the covid-19, but also Due to bad government policies that have deteriorated the quality of life of Venezuelans, depriving them of even the most basic public services such as the internet and others, it is a noble and admirable action that teachers such as Mrs. Nubraska, author`s mother, continue without giving up, contributing her grain of sand day by day to offer the best of herself to her students.
Her actions reflected the actions of thousands of teachers and professors around the world who, despite many difficulties, work to keep going for them and for their students, always betting on a better future. Without a doubt, being a teacher is a very human and admirable profession.
So if you have read this far I invite you to read, comment and support this young man`s post.
Espero que les halla gustado, Nos vemos en un próximo post!
I hope you liked it, See you in a next post!
This whole situation in Venezuela is very unfortunate friend @irionet. The teachers are poorly paid, in fact they have been working for 2 years due to problems with electricity, water, and now the pandemic. I really don't know how they go about meeting their needs. I pray to God that all this happens like the virus, so that I can go to my country and collaborate so that it arises again. I wish your selected team @anthony2019 good luck in this rally.
Estoy muy sorprendido con tu publicación e igualmente vengo a darte las gracias por tus sinceras palabras hacia mi mamá, quien día a día tiene una dura batalla como docente.
Good luckThe fact that your reviews, your citations are bilingual makes it so much more readable for the people that don’t speak Spanish think that is besides that you domweg with blogging and absolute advantage on the blogs in total Spanish. So thank you for that of course I will visit Anthony too and keep blogging we have a lot of redfish in the server. And do look at the #thekittygirlphotochallange where you have 3 photos to do your own quality content about. So tell a story through a photo or the cookbook challenge
I hope you have seen our comment in the terminal that you have to review a blog by a fellow redfish RALLIER sunday is the last day for week 1, i hope you know this RRCC curation blog is mandatory for the contest prizes, let me know if you need more infromation. The blogs are in the post promo rooms 100 and 500
Hello!, yes i saw your comments. Thank you very much for all your help.
Gracias @irionet hiciste una gran promoción del post de @anthony2019, me gustaría ver que pronto tus posts sean valorados como merecen, buen trabajo! 👍👍👍