Monologue "Confessions of a First Mother"

in #spanish6 years ago

  Hello, Happy and blessed day, today I brought you a monologue that I wrote, inspired by my first months as a mom, a new experience, a new adventure; It was adapted for reading.

                                     Confessions of a First Mother

      I confess that being a mother for the first time is a dream, a blessing; you count every day that is missing to have that being that grows inside you, in your arms. You wonder how it will be? Who will it look like? But especially you expect in God that everything in him is fine. You think that when it's out of your belly it will be incredible, and it really is, incredible; Incredibly tiring! You don't sleep, you don't have time to bathe, but you can't even go to the bathroom as before since your baby can cry every time you think about eating, bathing, going to the bathroom or sleeping. What if I am exaggerating? What do I complain about? Because they lied to me, well, they didn't tell me the whole truth.

     Starting with the caesarean section. Who said that a woman who chooses a C-section is a coward? Well I didn't choose it, they chose it for me; First you have to put a needle about a meter in your back; the one that everyone has told you not to move, or even breathe because if you move you can be paralyzed for a lifetime; so at that moment you start to sweat, but inside because the cold in the operating room is intense. Of course from that moment you don't feel anything, but you know that they are opening you as a butcher, you feel a stuffed turkey but instead of filling you, they will take out the stuffing. -Although I think they didn't take everything from me, because this burned abdomen is not normal, could it be that I had a twin who hasn't wanted to be born yet? - Yes, when you see your baby, you want to cry, your breath is paralyzed - you want to get up and take your baby in your arms but remember all the advice again - don't talk, don't raise your head, because it can give you something.

        Anyway, the caesarean section all right, but when the anesthesia says bye bye, the pain comes, a pain that is not normal, you feel that the twin who had not wanted to be born makes its way inside you and without anesthesia that when I was given High, Caldera looked like in her last days, my husband was telling me, come help you with the baby, and I eat doggy looking after her puppies, grrrr I can alone. And to all this, we have a scar for a lifetime. Then we start the quarantine, and the name really remains, you can't leave after 6 - although with that pain we don't even think about getting out of bed, you can't leave the day either because the sun can dry your milk, yes You bathe it with warm water, but don't even think about washing your hair, and don't cuddle your baby's navel because your hands are, and that's where you start to wonder, did I have a baby or get me some deadly virus?

      Then, follow more advice, do not eat this - a very long list by the way - because it can give colic to the baby; do not do that, give only breast milk, which is the best, and it is true, but I did it because I had no other choice - they understand country situation - My baby at the beginning was like a very punctual clock, every 2 hours. At dawn I wished that my breasts could be unscrewed so that this being with whom I made my baby - if the one who was there, sleeping like a wintering bear, while the baby cried - would wake up to feed him - but he does not unscrew, I think I even tried it in the middle of the dream - well, sleepy and everything got me to breastfeed. Why not use the milk pump for that being to do it? Simple, because nothing is as wonderful as having it in your arms and watching it eat from your chest.

    Bedtime, the "tips" - lie on your back; no, on the side it is better, you must rotate it sideways to shape the head; you must create a routine for him to sleep; put a rag with your smell - believe me I tried EVERYTHING but in the end we ended up mom upside down baby upside down, still upside down but on the bed; -Have you not seen what happens when a baby is on his back or on his side, and a sneeze or noise comes when you have finally managed to sleep? another "advice" - do not carry much because it gets used to the arms - but this baby does not like that mom is sitting!

      As time passes we begin to do those things that we said we would not do when we were mothers. First: -about worry- I have read a lot about babies, I will not worry about nonsense and then you are looking at it every second to see if you breathe, how you breathe, you worry if you sleep a lot, if you sleep too little, if you eat too much, if He doesn't eat, and if he coughs the end of the world! You think you already have the virus you are giving and the next day you are at the pediatrician; Second: I will speak well to my baby - I am a teacher not speaking half a tongue - but then we are - like the baby, none of my baby, who is the little boy in the house. Third: I will let him cry, because he has to learn that it is not when he wants to, you just hear his crying and you are running to take him in his arms, saying - forgive me my little boy for letting you cry, what does my little boy want? Tit? Oh come, they are yours, and you realize that you were already crying too. Fourth: I can only with my baby, if I can with a classroom I can with a small baby, lie! I can't with him, he can with me. Fifth: I'm not going to let grandparents intrude on their upbringing and then you see yourself - mom, what do I do? Do not calm down; mother in law help me, I can't.

      In conclusion, if you are not a mother yet remember that you will say goodbye to sleep 8 hours a day, and more if the light goes out since you activate the ninja mode taking care of your baby of any mosquito; you will not bathe again as placidly as before and much less go to the bathroom to do .. you know; you will feel that your days have more than 24 hours, you will learn to do everything with one hand, your schizophrenia is activated since you will hear your baby cry every time you can do something; they will recognize you as a mother in the street since you will always be, disheveled, with dark circles, with a bag bigger than you, dressed with the first thing you found, but yes, your super handsome baby and let's not forget that you will look very happy, as I am, because during these months every pain, sleepiness or tiredness was worth it when you have someone like him in your arms.


siendo una madre primeriza y haber tenido que someterme a una cesarea por recomendacion medica y no por eleccion propia, ame toooodo tu escrito!!!

mi unica recomendacion es que cuando hagas un post en ingles si no dominas lo suficiente el idioma tengas cuidado y revises bien la gramatica hay muchas cosas que entendi porque hablo español, pase por lo mismo y se a que te referias, pero viendolo desde la perspectiva de un lector ingles, no creo que sea tan facil de comprender y un curador podra encontrar eso dificil de querer curar, solo un consejo para tus proximos post!