De todos los personajes del universo de "Harry Potter", Severus Snape puede ser el más inteligente. En los libros se conoce con profundidad su pasado y detalles de su vida.
Se afirma que Snape era el estudiante que conocia más hechizos de Artes Oscuras en la escuela, de ahí que fueran tan despiadados con él.
En su años más jóvenes, Severus Snape escuchó a escondidas la entrevista de trabajo del profesor Dumbledore con Sybill Trelawney, pero luego fue atrapado por Aberforth Dumbledore, quien lo echó. Snape le contó lo que habia escuchado a Voldermort, quien luego decidió ir tras Harry y sus padres. Si se hubiera quedado y escuchado todo, el Señor Oscuro podría haber intentado acabar con Neville Longbottom en su lugar.
Les confieso que anteriormente odiaba a el profesor, mientras leia el primer libro, luego me di cuenta que ayudo a Harry a que no se callera de su escoba ahi comence a dudar que el le tenia rencor a Harry, creo que fue uno de los mejores personajes que tuvo la saga a mi parecer.
Of all the characters in the "Harry Potter" universe, Severus Snape may be the smartest. In the books his past and details of his life are known in depth.
It is stated that Snape was the student who knew the most Dark Arts spells in the school, which is why they were so ruthless towards him.
In his younger years, Severus Snape eavesdropped on Professor Dumbledore's job interview with Sybill Trelawney, but was later caught by Aberforth Dumbledore, who kicked him out. Snape told what he had heard to Voldermort, who then decided to go after Harry and his parents. If he had stayed and listened to everything, the Dark Lord might have tried to take down Neville Longbottom instead.
I confess that I previously hated the professor, while I was reading the first book, then I realized that he helped Harry to keep his broom on his broom. That's when I began to doubt that he had a grudge against Harry. I think he was one of the best characters. who had the saga in my opinion.