Yep folks its that simple. Having lived through the last recession here in Ireland, buying a house that was extremely over valued, watching the value of said house reduce to less than 40% of its original value and now 10 + years later we might just be able to sell it and clear the mortgage and if we are lucky we might even get some of our hard earned money back out of it. So lets get the fuck out of here and open our own Vegan tapas bar!

We are sick of the same process repeating itself over and over again, i mean that is the definition of insanity, No? Repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
We have always thought about living in the sun because, as beautiful as Ireland is, it can suck big time too, crazy tax systems (not that anywhere else will be much better) inefficient public service, hospitals crumbling around the overclouded wards, patients dying on trolleys in corridors, the price of pretty much everything, no ability to save and rent, no rental security, the list goes on and on folks.

Reading and watching @dannyshine's and @kennyskitchen posts and spending a fair bit of time in the #anarchy channels has given me a new view on what we want to achieve for my children. We have already almost completed the raising of our eldest who is now 18! 1.5 years left in school! Then he is a free man!. Free to enter into the system designed to crush his spirit and make him a great little worker.

So now we have a new plan, a starter plan, one that we will develop and you can join in with us. Will we succeed or fail? Who knows... I can tell you one thing though, we will enjoy the ride!
Step 1: Learn Spanish!
I will be doing this in the beginning with an app called duolingo, It is a great little app for my phone, it involves me reading, listening and speaking to the app to perfect my Spanish.
If you would like to join in please shout out in the comments section and we can join a learning group in the app! Nothing like a bit of competition to spur us on!

Good luck here in Spain, I think you'll like the lifestyle and the daily routine.
Finding a job can be harder and less well paid than in Ireland. But hey, this depends 100% on you so: Buena suerte!
Thanks a million, plenty of planning ahead of us at this early stage but a challenge we are relishing! Thanks for stopping by, I hope you can follow our journey too. Are you resident in Spain?
Good luck! Duolingo is a great app! We're excited to be following you and your family along your journey ⭐️
Thanks so much guys, a lot of work ahead that's for sure. We are very excited by thus new chapter in our lives. 😁
Spain is great! And a vegan tapas bar!!! Amazing! I live in Holland but I have family living near Malaga. Buena suerte!!!
Cool, thanks a million @jscheverry we are super excited to begin this plan. How knows maybe someday we can have a steemit meetup in our tapas bar!
Hola!!! MUY BUEN POST , Te invito a seguirme y veas mis post , Up Vote Para tii espero me lo devuelvas! Un abrazo
Gracias, mi español no es bueno, así que ahora solo aprendo.
Hey @moonunit, I am FULLY in support of this choice ;) If you ever need any pointers or advice, I am here for you with open arms. I started out before I got trapped by society too badly so I can't speak to that side of things but I can certainly tell you about learning another language, moving into a new culture and integrating into a better life. <3 I think this is brave, powerful and is going to make you happy and successful! I'll visit you when you're all settled in and we can make some fun recipes for your bar ;)