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RE: Expropian la kelloggs

in #spanish7 years ago

Excuse me Mr. @zeusfrank but is misinformed or misinformed because: Workers took over the company Kelloggs Food of Aragua. The president, Nicolás Maduro, informed that the workers of the Kelloggs Food Company, located in Maracay, Aragua state, assumed the reins of the same from this Tuesday. He said: Today in Maracay the Kelloggs company, in the hands of some Mexican investors, woke up with the doors closed and deposited in the accounts the social benefits to the workers, which is absolutely unconstitutional and illegal, "denounced the head of state during a popular activity in the Carabobo state. You can see the information here: . Note: It is not the intention of @plimpd to create conflicts and much. I respect your opinion but I do not share it. Recall the saying: The caller grants