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RE: Una crítica constructiva para los músicos en Hive / A constructive criticism for musicians in Hive

in #spanish4 years ago

Yea, some users indeed take notice of comments, remarks and advices. I classify those users as good actors who need some help to understand what the soft rules we have in our HIVE community and may even be open to change their content to support to blogging aspect of HIVE. Others, who just continue with what they do, are in my honest opinion bad actors. Most of these bad actors are here to take HIVE without putting an extra effort, ie take the easy road. For some users its not easy to qualify them either good or bad actor. I know a few users who bring original content, do good things outside HIVE, maybe their own website and blog, but just post to HIVE without going around the community to interact with others. Till now, I classify these type of users as good actors, when their content is good, and I try to get them to become more active on HIVE. Other users with maybe good content but no transparency in what they do outside HIVE (probably nothing) I tend to skip for curation. That said, am not that black/white when it comes to curation. I have my moments of high and low acceptance of what can be seen as abuse or not. In the end we need as many as possible cool and interesting content creators to support HIVE adoption.