After the judicial declaration of Mariano Rajoy, the sound scandal of Angel Maria Villar in front of
the Spanish football federation, the Multiple Scandals which surround the Government group, PP Black-moneybox , envelopes
With over salaries .. the Bankia 60 bilion rescue case, and much more.... "The Corruption World Tour"
Presents a new Blockbuster for the public ( or Public Money ): The rescue of the 4.05 billion euros in motorways .
( Term that we must thank the great politologist @antonlosada )
The spanish diary publish this :
The government admits that the rescue of the nine toll roads in bankruptcy will have an impact on the public deficit, but will try to minimize it for what it will assume and will re-compete those concessions in 2018. Thus, with the funds it collects The new tender will partially alleviate the cost of the so-called administrative liability of the administration (RPA), which requires the State to take over the concessions when they are judicially liquidated, according to sources in the Ministry of Public Works.
The cost of this process of reversion to the state of toll roads has been estimated at 3,500 million, to which should be added the 550 million participatory loans received from the state concessionaires. However, the Ministry of Public Works estimates that this cost will be "substantially lower" to 3.5 billion, as indicated by the head of the department, Íñigo de la Serna
This means that in my perception ... the population of Spain pays the costs to benefit the business of Florentino Pérez and other wealthy entrepreneurs and then return to give them the profitable business at zero cost. Returning to play with the public box of the state in favor of the already famous 1%.
Sad news that sees the light at the same time that the government boasts of lowering unemployment below 4 million unemployed (with a precarious wage never seen since the feudal era or the Franco's times ) and the release on bail of the big fishes as Ignacio Gonzalez And Angel Maria Villar. And a few weeks after announcing that the summer salary of the retirees was paid for a bank credit of 10 billion euros. Demonstrating that it leaves little life to the public money while Swiss bank acoounts and diverse tax havens swell accounts at dizzying rates.
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El diario español señala en su noticia :
El Gobierno admite que el rescate de las nueve autopistas de peaje en quiebra tendrá un impacto en el déficit público, pero intentará minimizarlo para lo que asumirá y volverá a sacar a concurso esas concesiones en 2018. De esta forma, con los fondos que recaude por la nueva licitación paliará en parte el coste de la llamada responsabilidad patrimonial de la administración (RPA), que obliga por ley al Estado a asumir las concesiones cuando estas se liquiden judicialmente, informaron en fuentes del Ministerio de Fomento.
El coste de ese proceso de reversión al Estado de las vías de peaje se ha calculado en 3.500 millones a los que habría que añadir los 550 millones de créditos participativos que recibieron del Estado las empresas concesionarias. No obstante, el Ministerio de Fomento calcula que ese coste será “sustancialmente menor” a esos 3.500 millones, como señaló el titular del departamento, Íñigo de la Serna
what do you think @keiserreport ?