I was thinking as you wrote this about how some people justify hating snakes because they were Eve's temptation. In the Old Testament in the Bible God tells his people to not forgive those who do evil and to kill them and all their family but then Christ came. The New Testament says do not do that anymore. If someone sins against you turn the other cheek and forgive them. It seems to me that hating snakes for something a snake ancestor did is to deny Christ and his teachings. It is not Christian. That is just my thought.
Here we have snakes but one of the most feared animals is the alligator. My brother in law lives in Florida where sometimes they find alligators even in very good communities but there are occasions when people get them as pets when the alligators are very little and they are found in states far from where alligators usually live. It takes a lot of skill to wrestle alligators and the state wildlife organization relocates as many as possible but they are not on the endangered list and there are not many places where they can relocate them where there is enough food for more alligators than are already living there so sometimes they end up in restaurants.
It is true that many people hide behind religion to do a lot of harm, both to the humans themselves and to the poor animals as the epoch described here, and do not mention the snakes mentioned here.
if it is true, as Christians we should not do any harm to any species, animal unless it is strictly necessary and will eat it because I think that if it would justify it a little.
If I've heard any of that, my aunt also lives in Miami and what she tells me is that
There is an invasion of snakes there because many people take them as pets, but when they grow up they do not have to do with them and abandon them and then appear anywhere, so much so that according to her, the local government authorizes periods of hunt to reduce populations, unlike here in El Salvador Central America that are almost on the verge of extinction.
I have never eaten a crocodile, here we only eat garrobos, which is the younger brother of the reptiles, and which I suppose tasted similar, which is like a white meat.
I suppose that in restaurants especially the Chinese are the ones who consume more exotic animals like these.
Sorry for the delay in responding, sometimes we say, I'll do it and we spend a couple of minutes.
thanks for your beautiful comment, I hope this very well.
Best regard @galberto.