
Thanks for comment. I will do something better instead of just running to upvote you. I have checked a bit your blog. Please feel free to follow some of this recommendations:

  • Material source links. Anytime you use a picture, photo, video or quote from another website, you must enter the source links (which is basically adding a link of the source to that material). This is the best way to become a "pro player" within Steemit. If you do that, curators will know you are making things right and they will notice you for real. You will have upvotes by doing this. (If you do not believe me check my profile)
  • Taking advantages of a beautiful face. May I ask: Is that you on your profile pic? I mean, if that's you, PLEASE take that pretty face and use it to promote yourself. Have you seen how the big girls in steemit are using their beauty to gain fame and followers in Steemit? Well that is a very good strategy.

Anytime you have doubts or questions about Steemit, send me a message. It will be a real pleasure for me to help. STEEM ON.