Greedfall es un videojuego de acción y aventura RPG desarrollado por el estudio parisino Spiders el 10 de septiembre de 2019; Una aventura con claras influencias del titulo Dragon Age, tanto por sus elementos diplomáticos o sistema de combate.
En cuanto a su estructura argumental, esta propuesta traslada al jugador hasta la piel de De Sardet; un explorador que, después de "re-descubrir" una gigantesca y mágica isla en donde habitan seis facciones distintas que luchan contra monstruos, deberá hacer todo lo posible por curar a su familia de una misteriosa enfermedad moral. — Una narrativa quese entrelaza perfectamente con las mecánicas jugables que ofrece.
Greedfall is an action-adventure role-playing video game developed by the Parisian studio Spiders on September 10, 2019; An adventure with clear influences from the title Dragon Age, both for its diplomatic elements and for its combat system.
Regarding its plot structure, this proposal transposes the player to the skin of De Sardet; An explorer who, after "rediscovering" a gigantic and magical island inhabited by six different factions fighting monsters, must do everything possible to cure his family of a mysterious moral illness. — A narrative that integrates seamlessly with the playable mechanics it offers.
Jugablemente hablando, Greedfall posee mecánicas en donde el jugador, acompañado de hasta cinco NPC, podrá explorar la isla con total libertad; realizando misiones principales para progresar en la continuidad de los hechos argumentales o, por el contrario, embarcarse en misiones secundarias. Ademas, como cualquier propuesta RPG, es autor de un variada cantidad de habilidades; útiles para poder especializar a nuestro héroe en un estilo de combate personalizado.
En conclusión, la obra de Spiders marca su propio ritmo, evolución y respuesta de juego. Un videojuego que expira buena ambientación, personajes profundos a nivel argumental y sobre todo una jugabilidad coherente con lo que propone. — Un título que fácilmente puede equipararse a otros grandes clásicos del género...
Speaking playable, Greedfall has a mechanic in which the player, accompanied by up to five NPCs, can freely explore the island; perform main missions to progress in the continuity of the events of the plot or, conversely, embark on side missions. Also, like any RPG proposal, he is the author of a variety of skills; useful to be able to specialize our hero in a personalized combat.
In conclusion, the Spiders's work marks its own rhythm, evolution and game response. A video game that expires a good setting, deep characters at the plot level and above all a gameplay in line with what it proposes. — A title easily comparable with other great classics of the genre...
Official Trailer
Here the recommendation ends, I hope you find it useful. it's time to go now. ;)
Good game
¡Yeah, dude!
— Merry belated xmas ;D
I have to say that I did not enjoy the game and it had so many problems in it. Plus clunky battle mechanics
I understand what you're saying; Greedfall has an unusual combat system. Sometimes it's quite fluid and at other times it seems like a turn-based strategy titles. — Of course, it doesn't compare with games like «The Witcher» or one of the «Souls saga», but in general terms it seems to me that it works well.
P.D. I'm glad you took the time to comment. I see that you're a Nintendo lover and that, at least for me, is reason enough to want to follow you. (Greetings and the best of the successes in this beautiful platform).
What I spoke with other people, all of their games are like these and it has become their trademark. The story and the characters were the best part of the game although I got dissapointed by the end with the story. I heard also that the game is starting to get valuable here in Spain (Xbox one versión especially) since it had small print and since it kinda flopped and they are not going to make additional print run. So it's one reason to get it. Anyway, I think that they too big bite when developing the game since it's a tiny studio.
Thank you for the follow and yes, I have had already really good time in here!