Daily Blog: Distraction in the beauty of the simplicity of life and prob death by ice cream of dubious origin

in #spanish2 years ago

Well today was a pretty quiet day, not too much sun so it was a quiet afternoon for walking.
in theory I was just going to do a simple shopping, but I always distract myself on the way by taking pictures of spaces that capture my interest...........

It is autumn but where I live everything looks exactly the same, there are people who could say something different, the leaves of the trees fall off but, as they fall they grow back quite fast, the colors of the leaves the rest of the year. when they fall it is because they are already brown and withered.
depending on the tree, the leaves may vary in color, but it is never as intense as in other parts of the world.

Bien hoy fue un dia bastante tranquilo, no habia demasiado sol asi que fue una tarde tranquila para caminar.
en teoria solo iba a hacer una simple compra, pero siempre me distraigo en el camino tomando fotos a espacios que capturen mi interes...........
Es otoño pero donde vivo todo luce exactamente igual, hay personas que podrian decir algo diferente, las hojas de los arboles se caen pero, asi como caen vuelven a crecer bastante rapido, los colores de las hojas al resto del año. cuando caen es porque ya estan marrones y marchitas.
dependiendo de el arbol, las hojas de estos puedes variar de color, pero nunca es tan intenso como en otros lugares del mundo.

C: this is the trunk of a tree that I found a curious contrast.

mmmm sometimes I stick the camera into the grass and it's like I'm stumbling into a secret world.

mmmm a veces meto la camara dentro del cesped y es como si me topara con un mundo secreto

This photo just makes me think of the fresh morning air... it's been a long time since I've enjoyed getting up and breathing in the fresh morning air... it smells different.

Esta foto solo me hace pensar en el aire fresco de las mañanas... hace mucho que no disfruto de levantarme y respirar el aire fresco matutino... tiene un olor diferente


ok ... this is the trunk of a very curious palm tree... it has a vine that I have not seen in ... palms... but according to me it looks like a water vine... which doesn't make any sense... i resisted the urge to grab one and take it home :p

ok ... este es el tronco de una palmera muy curiosa... tiene una enredadera que no he visto en ... palmeras... pero segun yo parece enredaderas de agua... cosa que no tiene ningun sentido.. resisti la urgencia de agarrar una y llevarmela a casa :p

ok soooooo I looked up and couldn't hold in my laughter at what I saw. XD

Do you see it ?
make your best bets to deduce if it is real or a camouflage.

On my way I bumped into 1 red leaf and I was very surprised.... that color is not normal for the trees here...

en el camino me tope con 1 hoja roja y me sorprendi enormemente ... ese color no es normal de los arboles de aquí...


siggggggghhhh then I was disappointed XD
it was just from a plant whose leaves change color before falling, this one was mixed with a different flower by root

luego me decepcioné XD
era solo de una planta cuyas hojas cambian de color antes de caer, esta se mezcló de raiz con otra flor diferente

as I said, it's not normal to see those colors here twt
not from the trees, and the plants here do not do that... only specific species that are brought from other places... they all end up dying due to the heat.

no de los arboles, y las plantas de acá no hacen eso... solo especies especificas que traen de otros lugares... todas acaban muriendo debido al calor.

Foun a dead vine
After all that distraction with nature I finally went to buy what I was supposed to XD not without getting distracted again and hating but loving at the same time this packaging .....

milk carton but... with cookies ???
gets bug

Luego de toda esa distraccion con la naturaleza finalmente fui a comprar lo que debia XD no sin distraerme nuevamente y odiar pero amar al mismo tiempo este empaque .....
caja de leche pero... con galletas ??? se buguea


cookies for furrys? idk XD



then I went to get some ice cream.... sighhh
I wish I had not paid for this... here you must first pay and then they give you the ice cream... so .... unfortunately the person who served the ice cream was not wearing gloves... and touched the ice cream unintentionally with her fingers.... folks I was tired and I know it is not the fault of the person serving but of the damn company that does not give their employees the ADEQUATE sanitary implements for handling food ....

So yeah... I ate my ice cream with all the yuck in the world... the worst $3.00 I have ever spent in my life.

hmmm at the end of the day :p I spent about hmmm 13$.
how the heck does a deodorant cost 5$!!?

luego fui a por unos helados.... sighhh
hubiera deseado no haber pagado para esto... aca primero debes pagar y luego te dan los helados ... so .... lamentablemente la persona que sirvio los helados no llevaba guantes... y tocaba el helado no intencionalmente con los dedos.... amigos estaba cansada y se que la culpa no es de la persona que atiende sino de la maldita empresa que no le da asus empleados los implementos sanitarios ADECUADOS para el manejo de alimentos ....
Asi que si... me comi mi helado con todo el asco del mundo... los peores 3$ invertidos en mi vida.
hmmm al final del dia :p gaste unos hmm 13$
como rayos un desodorante cuesta 5$!?
Pray for meeeeeh so i don't die in the next 24 hours after eating ice cream with germs LOL


how the heck does a deodorant cost 5$!!?

👀 Maybe make your own...easy, cheap, and only your fingers touch it.

hmmm could try

Could be fun and it's not hard.

Damn esas texturas de esos árboles se ven bien sabrosas e.e

You can eat trees. #jussaying

Is that how it is in Venezuela....your ice cream gets all touched and felt up before you get to eat it?

lmao, it didn't use to be like that in the past, but it's been almost 4 years since I left, shit was bad when I left, but many things have happened later, many ups and downs, so this happening doesn't surprise me tho

All thanks to our eternal intergalactic commander Hugo Chavez :D

LOLOL! I just wouldn't want my ice cream all fondled like that....ewwww...but then if I'm desperate for ice cream....
So weird though.

All thanks to our eternal intergalactic commander Hugo Chavez :D

How wonderfully lovely and kind of heart. 😏


jajjaj siii, ese contraste hace que se vean asi bien tasty y crujientes xddd

exigimos la existencia de una botana que sea asi de crujiente y rica