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RE: Thanks to all of you I'm still alive | Surviving Covid-19

in #spanish4 years ago

Sry but i don't believe bs. How much are you paid to write this nonsense?
Im a trucker and have showered in various truck stops thru out the usa. I never wore a mask and touched all kinds of virus covered handles and such. Covid 19 is a Larpfest and im not buying a ticket. How's that Corona koolaid taste partner? I know you're enjoying it. #ControlledOpFOUND


What the actual fuck! I really hope no one died in your immediate family because of the virus. How about show your face and say that to the dead people? How about show your face and say to the suffering people all around the world that the virus is not real?

How about your face should be the new logo for Kool Aid...CORONA kool-aid.

You're a braindead parrot repeating the same again and again. As I told you, even if you would be right and everything would be a giant plot, to come here to target random people who got sick and think they are being paid to lie doesn't make any sense.

I'm the first one that is seeing my government making profit of this situation... and I also see all the people that passed away or got screwed for life due the virus ffs. Because I have a brain unlike you.

My sister got sick and experienced it just like a minor flu. But after it, started to experience another problems, she is currently losing all her hair, and she is only 24 yo. I don't think flu does that right?

You're a fucking idiot.

And now I have to go to breakfast with Bill and Melinda. These cosmic lizards are cool people, and the payout is awesome! You should meet them lol

PD: Again, you are fucking idiot, go to play with the other monkeys and leave in peace the people who is having an awful time.

Go back to sleep and take your meds. #CoronaKoolAidMan

BS is come here and say to a guy that almost passed away that he is a liar. What did you think? That Bill Gates phoned a random dude from Venezuela asking for help for a psy-ops? That every healthcare system worker around all the world are plotting together? Lol. You have less common sense than a toddler.

Things are not white or black. Did you ever considered that the virus is real and that the scam around it from governments and global powers to enforce control over the population making profit of the situation is real as well?. Half-Thruts have been always the best lies.

But hey, even imagining that you could be totally right (you aren't) and the virus doesn't exist... don't you think that is more probable that this guy got sick for real and was told it's covid, than that he is colluding with the global powers? Lol

However, beyond your views about this matter, mine, or anybody's ones, what you did here is disgusting and moronic. Sorry but you are an idiot, sir.

Jauregi98, no te conozco pero siempre es triste ver gente sufriendo, especialmente cuando sois jóvenes como tú. Te deseo buena suerte y que este mal trago pase rápido y quede atrás en el tiempo.