[ESP][ENG] El Tarot Creativo de @tximeleta Arcano Nº 0: El Loco- -The Creative Tarot of @tximeleta Arcanum No. 0: The Fool

in #spanish4 years ago

El Loco-Crazy


Se echaba de menos la presencia de este auténtico Puer Aeterno, de este Peter Pan de la baraja del Tarot, que es nuestro confiado y libertario Loco. Es este un personaje curioso, lleno de contradicciones pero a la vez, con experiencia en los caminos, en la búsqueda de verdades absolutas, que acepta los riesgos con la fe ciega de un niño.
The presence of this authentic Puer Aeterno, of this Peter Pan from the Tarot deck, who is our confident and libertarian Madman, was missed. This is a curious character, full of contradictions but at the same time, with experience on the road, in the search for absolute truths, who accepts risks with the blind faith of a child.
Nos indica un ser intuitivo, capaz de superarse y defender sus ideales con pasión. Su vestimenta andrajosa, nos da a entender las numerosas dificultades que ha encontrado en su camino, fracasos que debe de dejar definitivamente atrás, para seguir avanzando. La evolución es para él una cuestión vital y quizás por ello se lanza a la aventura de la vida a pecho descubierto, con excesiva confianza. Por ello, el mordisco del perro que le acompaña, le recuerda, en determinadas ocasiones, que debe asentar los pies en el suelo y meditar antes de precipitarse. No obstante, cuando toma una decisión, difícil es que se vuelva atrás.
It indicates an intuitive being, capable of exceeding himself and defending his ideals with passion. His tattered clothing gives us to understand the numerous difficulties that he has encountered on his way, failures that he must definitely leave behind, to continue advancing. Evolution is a vital issue for him and perhaps that is why he embarks on the adventure of life bare-chested, with excessive confidence. For this reason, the bite of the dog that accompanies him, reminds him, on certain occasions, that he must put his feet on the ground and meditate before rushing. However, when you make a decision, it is difficult for you to turn back.


Como ya se ha dicho en algunas ocasiones, todos llevamos un Loco en nuestro interior. Si somos capaces de doblegar sus aspectos negativos y lo dejamos actuar con entera libertad, veremos que nuestro Loco es un ser fantástico que puede aportar una nota de supina alegría en nuestra vida.
As has already been said on some occasions, we all carry a Madman within us. If we are able to subdue his negative aspects and let him act with complete freedom, we will see that our Loco is a fantastic being who can bring a note of supine joy in our life.
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Original content by Original content by @txatxy & @juancar347

