[Digital Art] Experimenting with new techniques / Experimentando con nuevas técnicas

in #spanish5 years ago (edited)

Vestiges of an ephemeral life / Vestigios de una vida efímera

Welcome and greetings to all the community of Steemit, today I bring you another work in digital art, full of details and animations to make it more dynamic and entertaining, in the following I show a little evolution I have had with this new tool, in addition to sharing the knowledge acquired, also opens a new section, which aims to explain a little more the process of drawing. The intention of this drawing, was to achieve the transition between the art of animation to a more realistic one, for this purpose I chose a drawing of my authorship made in times of the university.

Bienvenidos y saludos a toda la comunidad de Steemit, hoy les traigo otra obra en el arte digital, llena de detalles y animaciones para hacerla más dinámica y entretenida, en la siguiente muestro un poco la evolución que he tenido con esta nueva herramienta, ademas de compartir los conocimientos adquiridos, tambien se estrena una sección nueva, donde se pretende explicar un poco más el proceso de elaboración del dibujo. La intención de este dibujo, fue la de lograr la transición entre el arte de animación a uno más realista, para este fin elegí un dibujo de mi autoría hecho en épocas de la universidad.

presentacion 1

In a post-apocalyptic world plunged into darkness and deep darkness, a small ray of light refuses to be extinguished. A beautiful girl, the last survivor of what was once an advanced society, watches with heaviness and helplessness as the last vestiges of life disappear before her eyes.

En un mundo post apocalíptico sumido en tinieblas y una profunda oscuridad, un pequeño rayo de luz se rehúsa a extinguirse. Una hermosa chica, la última sobreviviente de lo que en el pasado fue una sociedad avanzada, observa con pesadez e impotencia como los últimos vestigios de vida desaparecen frente a sus ojos.


Drawing development / Desarrollo del dibujo ✏️

For this project was applied a technique a little less methodical and elaborate, but without detracting quality and details to the final result, is to use a smaller number of layers, with the aim of mixing and blurring the colors directly, as if it were a real painting, you get a more natural finish and less animated compared to previous Posts.

Para este proyecto se aplicó una técnica un poco menos metódica y elaborada, pero sin restar calidad y detalles al resultado final, consiste en utilizar una menor cantidad de capas, con la finalidad de mezclar y difuminar los colores directamente, como si de una pintura real se tratase, se obtiene un acabado más natural y menos animado en comparación a los Posts anteriores.


Time interval / Intervalo de tiempo ⏳

Below is a series of images where you can see the progress of the drawing with their respective duration. Execution time of 6 hours and 30 minutes, distributed in 2 days for its culmination.

A continuación, se muestra una serie de imágenes donde se puede observar el avance del dibujo con su respectiva duración. Tiempo de ejecución comprendido de 6 horas y 30 minutos, distribuidas en 2 días para su culminación.


✴Time: 10min

We define the delineation of the drawing with all the details that compose it.

Definimos el delineado del dibujo con todos los detalles que lo componen.

separador victor-0001(3).gif


✴Time: 30min

We apply the base color throughout the drawing and give general shape to the hair.

Aplicamos el color base en todo el dibujo y damos forma general al cabello.

separador victor-0001(3).gif


✴Time: 90min

We determine medium shades to the face and the background is made.

Determinamos tonalidades medias al rostro y se realiza el fondo.

separador victor-0001(3).gif


✴Time: 150min

The features of the lips and irises of the eyes are detailed.

Se detalla las facciones de los labios y el iris de los ojos.

separador victor-0001(3).gif


✴Time: 210min

We shape the eyebrows and outline the eyes.

Damos forma a las cejas y delineamos los ojos.

separador victor-0001(3).gif


✴Time: 270min

We apply shade to the eyes, define and give volume to the hair.

Aplicamos sombra a los ojos, definimos y damos volumen al cabello.

separador victor-0001(3).gif


✴Time: 330min

We finish shaping the nose and apply a thin layer throughout the drawing.

Terminamos de dar forma a la nariz y aplicamos una capa tenue en todo el dibujo.

separador victor-0001(3).gif


✴Time: 390min

We create the butterfly and add shimmering effects all over the face.

Creamos la mariposa y agregamos efectos resplandecientes en todo el rostro.

Layer composition / Composición de capas 🔳

The design of the drawing consists of a total of 10 layers, these are distributed in sections following an order or hierarchy for proper visualization. The following images show a summary of them grouped according to similar characteristics.

El diseño del dibujo consta de un total de 10 capas, estas están distribuidas en secciones siguiendo un orden o jerarquía para su correcta visualización. En las siguientes imagenes se muestra un resumen de las mismas agrupadas según características similares.

Draw / DibujoLine art / Linea de arte
Hair / CabelloSkin / Piel
Factions / FaccionesDetails / Detalles
Background / Fondo

Brushes and color palette / Pinceles y paleta de color 🎨🖌️

This section shows the selection of colors used for the development of the drawing, these are exposed according to the different parts that make up the design, in turn, are also catalogued the brushes that were used and their respective diameters and opacities reflected numerically in pixels (Px) and percentages (%).

En esta sección se muestra la selección de colores usados para la elaboración del dibujo, estos están expuestos según las diferentes partes que compone el diseño, a su vez, también se catalogan las brochas que se usaron y su respectivos diámetros y opacidades reflejadas numéricamente en pixeles (Px) y porcentajes (%).

Color palette
Imagen4.pngpincel plano.pngpincel oriental.png36.png20.png60.png40.png

Increased details / Detalles aumentados 🔍

Different enlarged areas of the drawing are shown, through a GIF composed of 5 images. It is created by combining in separate parts two images of the same file with different zoom.

Se muestra diferentes zonas ampliadas del dibujo, a través de un GIF compuesto de 5 imágenes. Se crea al combinar por partes separadas dos imágenes del mismo archivo con distintos zoom.

Used tools / Herramientas usadas📌

  • Programs: CyberLink Photo Director 10
    Ibis Paint X
    Power Point 2013
  • Tablet: Samsung Galaxy Note Pro
    Stylus Samsung Spen
  • Brushes: Airbrush
    Oriental brush
    Flat brush
    Soft pastel




Thank you for your attention. We'll see you again in the next post, don't miss it.

Gracias por la atención prestada. Nos veremos de nuevo en el proximo post, no se lo pierdan.


comment 2.png

El punto de partida de todo logro es el deseo.
Napoleon Hill
Copyright © @victartex - All Rights Reserved. Design and editing by own authorship.


Innocence with sadness!

Holaa, si fue un buen resultado :)

What a cool and stylish work, @victartex! Phenomenal job!

Thank you very much, always so kind and attentive to my post, do not miss the next publication :)

con los tokens SPACO y CCCSaludos @victartex, tu post ha sido votado por @caciques Curamos manualmente en la etiqueta #spanish

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So beautiful! Are you interested in commissioned works paid in sdb or steems?

I am flattered to know that my work is valued, and that I would be willing to pay for them, if I would like to later offer my drawing services, but at the moment I can not for time factor, I do not want to make a commitment and then not be able to fulfill. Maybe in the near future I will have more time.

Thank you very much for your reply, please let me know if/when you ever have the time to do so!

Good morning @djennyfloro, I am writing to take your proposal, I am interested in knowing what type of design I would like you to make, because I have enough time and I have improved a lot in digital art, if you are still interested, do not hesitate to contact me to offer my services.


¡Bellísima ilustración! Tienes seguidora nueva. Saludos ♥

Muchas gracias, me gusta que hayas valorado el trabajo.

Te quedó muy bien @victartex :O me sigue sorprendiendo tu talento para hacer estos dibujos digitales, sigue así! La manera en la que explicas todo me encanta!

Gracias, la idea es ir mejorando con cada trabajo para sorprender a toda la comunidad.

She is pretty, somehow I still like your black and white shading better than the colour version. Don't take is as a critique per se I've done the same thing and still do when I started painting in digital, things get to washed out and polished and sometimes even thought the "Line" is not that "realistic" it has a strong effect in the drawings. My good friend and illustrator Charles Vess (he's one of the greatest of this generation, just won the Hugo Award as best illustrator) told me, Pris, you get "too clean" keep some of your original lines and mess into the coloured version and I've tried to keep some of it, and I feel it got better.

I don't take your comment badly at all, I understand perfectly what you say, and I appreciate it is observation, I'm still in a period of learning with digital art, I still need to turn on many things. The observation you made is very valid, so you would not lose the essence of the original drawing.

I'm in the same journey myself, digital is a way to enhance things. It's clean, it's faster, it's less "messy" but it has that ZOOM that allows you to get into details so much that sometimes we lose the overall look of things. Like in my first album in 2006 I switched to digital for some drawings and I spent half a week in a raven that was meant to be printed at 1 centimeter. So we are often told, ohh smooth lines, ohhh more realism, but I believe the fresher are the inbetweens those were we keep our "essence" but use the digital to enhance. Your line work is very fresh and very steady, I think some of it would still provide strenght to the final result. If it's your choice, it's all about choices and they are personal, this is YOUR ART there is no right or wrong there. Enjoy!

Un buen trabajo, te felicito.

Buen trabajo... Saludos

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