If I had just one thing i could say to the entire world.. Well, I have to admit. I don't think the price of eggs is really worth the wear and tear on a chicken's ass... (Long pause of awkward silence). Hey, at least I said it on chainbb ..
If I had just one thing i could say to the entire world.. Well, I have to admit. I don't think the price of eggs is really worth the wear and tear on a chicken's ass... (Long pause of awkward silence). Hey, at least I said it on chainbb ..
I have a flock of 18 ladies and I agree.
But the eggs( beyond organic, soy free, free range) I produce cost me about 5.50 a dozen. That does not include my time and the material for the structures I have built for them.
Now that I( My wife did it) killed all the roosters( the cocky bastards) the ladies have a much less stressful life.
I am astonished that they can lay an egg so large. It is an incredible thing.
I guess you realize the pee poop and eggs all come out the same hole? It is called a vent.
Why do they call it a vent? I have yet to hear any air come out of it yet!
We had a flock of 18 hens and one rooster, that we didn’t kill. But have lost a total of 5 birds this past year to dogs. Seems both our closest neighbors have chicken killing dogs. And they are both family so it makes it hard to just kill the dogs.
We started out with 7 roosters.
Then they started fighting each other.
So we picked 3 largest, to protect the flock.
Then they started killing each other.
So we picked the biggest one to reproduce and protect the flock. Then that bastard started attacking my children. DEAD ROOSTER!
You might try our system to protect your flock. We have 8 foot tall deer fence, then two strands of 10,000 volt electric fence around the bottom. So far our flock has only had to suffer the abuse from the roosters, and one American Kestrel. I move it around when they run out of grass.
When my kids want to they let them out if they are outside. We only have 9 acres not much land.
Yeah we let ours free range in the evenings.. We have 12 acres but it joins with 130 of family property.. So land isn't the issue for us. I've been thinking about fencing our land with a good goat wire fence to keep dogs out well that and i been thinking of getting some goats..
Haha well said.