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RE: Is Porn Good For You? fake accent didn't fool you?
You saw it was me right away.
Any 'study' which neglects to consider Dunbar's Number and Behavioral sinks is flawed.
People are TYPICALLY 'desensitized' to what happens to anyone outsided their own clan.
Those outside the clan aren't even who cares what happens to them?
The apache would torture any outsiders they caught to DEATH...for sport.

it's hardwired into the wetware....sublimation prevents it from being actualized.
video-games and porn don't have a downside.


You're more cynical than I am, my friend, about human nature.

I don't believe our nature is fixed, or that the darkness is greater than the light. We can cultivate compassion, just as we can slip into indifference or, worse, cruelty - if we neglect to care for our souls.

Past our narrow loyalty to 'clan' I believe in our larger allegiances to one another:

“We are each other’s harvest; we are each other’s business; we are each other’s magnitude and bond.”

—Gwendolyn Brooks

the observations support the hypothesis.
consider the triple point of water... as an analogy

when the temp of water is below that point it acts differently than when it is hotter than the triple point.

same thing with people..when the number of interactions required exceed dunbar's number then people act differently than when below it.

not cynical at all...just observation of reality.