I probably am the only one when i say what a narrow minded video, but i do not care i still do. He asks a question, but he only wants a answer his way, not allowed explanation. When the question is just are you atheist i think no one is even when loads think they are, but that does not mean i think they believe in god ! The question, who you save when neighbor and your dog are in the water?? come on, it must be clear you safe the one you get first ... I would not forgive myself leaving my dog, to try to get the neighbor. So it is who i get first, because they have the biggest chance to be survived. In the first 4 weeks of all our lives as a embryo we are all the same, not 1 difference. We start off with gills, we all do, each one. is it creationism ? yes off course it is, but it is the natural creationism, what in the video is swept under the table as that is adapted , so shut up and next one. Oeh i hate video like this. People who just want to say it is god who made all and each one what ever you say, no you may not explain... The questioning is very good, because there is still so much to discover, or not and just let the program run. In the beginning there was only sea, due to the atmosphere arround us, it is chemic, everything is chemic. We our selfves are a biological proces, and we still are. Out for the appendix that the show in the film, that helps in the first years against illnesses so part of the immune system, full in charge as children, and in animals it stays, because they do not poison their body with food that is prepared in away that we would not do natural, when you place a new born in a jungle and let it grow up, and multiply there after 5000 years they will have full grown appendixes, it is a biological chemic reaction. We also have a thymus clan on the middle of the breastbone, that now only works till about 16, in nature is found that most mammals when they die, still have a full grown thymus, except humans... We do that a-our selves so actually we make our selves weaker and weaker, in my eyes due to all the vaccinations. Rock hard but yes it is the right of the fittest. But what means the RIGHT? living long? Why? They ask in the film are you going to heaven ? Lol to heaven what who where proof me it exist ? to do it in the terms as the guy in the video, no no do not explain i just ask you where is heaven give me proof. For me no question there is no heaven, and there is no hell. There is just that that you create your self... Do you create your hell or your heaven? That is depending on who you search in life to feel the best you can, on that moment with. On this moment it is heaven in my house i can not have it better anywhere else. I have an aversion of a god who says there is only one god, the egocentric god, live your life like i want you too, otherwise hell will wait you ?? come on ! that is beyond believing in anything. We are human-beings by nature, the nurture is what makes us different from each other. Religion is a nurture, in every kind of way. I am not baptized or what ever, and free to choose what ever i want. I believe in the 5 elements of existence, biochemics reactions. to ask for a proof, and not accepting you do have to explain what millions of years back happened, is ridiculous especially when you do not hold your self the truth of the opposite.
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