Sphere: The Future of Social Media

in #sphere7 years ago (edited)

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Every day, millions and millions of people are using the social media in their computers, smartphones, and tablets in any given time. Since the advent of Internet, websites and email then became the norm. After the adoption of websites and email, chat rooms and clients became the trend. For the past decade, social media then became the face of technology. Because of social media, people who are far away or even seas apart are now connected more than ever. When you search for information, you don’t need to go out of your room anymore because you can get any information with just one click.

“Are you aware that when you like posts about food, the more food posts, pages, websites, and advertisements you’ll see through your news feed in the future?.”

According to studies, there are 3 to 4 billion users of Facebook and other social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Reddit. That is almost half the population of the world which is around 7 to 8 billion people. Just imagine if you have a business and they are your prospective market. Actually, those 3 to 4 billion people are the market of social media.

The Reality of Social Media

Did you know that everything you’re doing online either on social media, browsing websites, and watching videos, your info are being collected by these online platforms? It’s not related to hacking or getting your username or password but it’s all about your behavior online.

Let’s use Facebook as a good example. Facebook has an algorithm that prioritizes the posts of your friends who you have most interacted through likes, shares, comments, and personal messages. That’s the same with your behavior online. What behavior? Your behavior online pertains to the websites you visit, posts you like, or advertisements you click. With that in mind, that’s how Facebook collects the data of all of its users so they can sell it to big corporate companies.

Are you aware that when you like posts about food, the more food posts, pages, websites, and advertisements you’ll see through your news feed in the future? That’s also the same outside Facebook.

Let’s now use Google as an example. Every time you search, Google collects the data of your searches and then they sell it to companies. It’s also the same with YouTube. They also collect your video searches so the advertisements that will be shown when you’re watching videos are more related to your searches.

In layman’s term, everything you do online is being tracked and collected by the online platforms so they can sell it to big corporate companies. These companies then create advertisements with the purpose of selling you their products or services. Because of this, we can see three main problems of the situation.

Problem #1: Privacy

The first problem is about the privacy issue of the people. Because of the platforms selling your info, the companies can know your behaviors about the websites you visit, the things you like, and you may never know. they may even be sharing your visited locations like where you usually eat or hang out.

Problem #2: Non-Efficient Advertising Platform

The second problem is about the part of advertisers. Because of the collection of data that the platforms are sending to them, there’s a big chance that advertisers will never be able to pinpoint the specific people for their specific ads. Usually, these platforms ask for millions of dollars from the big companies for the online behaviors of people. These platforms ask for huge amounts of money to the companies and yet, it’s like a shotgun approach to the consumers because they can’t fully hyper-target the market that would more likely buy from them.

Problem #3: Greed

The third problem is the hidden greed of the platforms. What greed? The platforms earn from your info. Can it be the other way around? It’s your info about your online behavior so you should be the one earning from it. All these platforms are earning from you so it’s about time to give you back the power to earn for the info you’re willing to share.

Here comes SPHERE!

Sphere is the first social media platform to revolutionize what we do online. It’s like Facebook but you have full control with that information that you like to share and monetize. All times you’ve been in a social media platform, it will be the first time that the power will be given back to you for all the things you want to do while being a social media platform that you can still interact with people, be informed, and even influence other people.

Because of this, Sphere recently concluded their Initial Coin Offering (ICO) last April 9 from their website at https://sphere.social/ to give back the power of the info to the users. Current social media interactions and advertising platforms are already considered outdated and obsolete because they lack innovation. Moreover, they are the only ones who earn. In Sphere, you will have the control and power about your online information and behavior.

Sphere sold their Social Activity Tokens (SAT) for $0.14 per token and they only have a maximum supply of 1 billion tokens. Since their ICO is already finished, the investors and supporters are just waiting for the distribution of their tokens and the listing to exchanges.

To know more about Sphere, you can check their website or you can check their whitepaper that contains all the relevant information that you need to be fully informed about the future of social media. You can also be updated real time with the thousands of members of their Telegram group. All links are given after this article.

Website: https://sphere.social/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SphereSocialNetwork Twitter: https://twitter.com/SphereOfficial1 Telegram: https://t.me/sphere_official1 https://sphere.social/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Sphere_Whitepaper_v1.7.4.pdf


Cant wait to see what comes of this one I bought up a decent amount