Coffee, Neurological Regenerator 🧠☕

in #spillthebeans3 years ago


Since he was very young, Charles was always curious about home experiments, mixing liquids and also playing and planting seeds. Many times by chance he would create phenomenal fruit grafts which would grow at great speed.

As she grew older, she became interested in science and all that it entails. Studying was his passion and becoming a famous scientist was something he always focused on. He was also a coffee lover and would wake up during long nights studying and preparing without resting with a huge cup of black coffee without sugar in his hands.

Charles had a father who supported him in everything and not only that, but he was his best friend and his most loyal fan. His father was betting on him and his bright future. He sacrificed everything he had to help Charles go to medical school at a prestigious university and he did the same with his graduate studies. He knew of his son's great potential and was convinced that he would be a world-renowned scientist.


As the years passed and Charles fulfilled his dream, he graduated with honors as a medical doctor and received a scholarship to study abroad. He dedicated himself body and soul to science. Over the years his father would forget many things, such as where he left his car keys, his wallet with the money or something as simple as the TV control and that obviously caught Charles' attention. He knew that something in his father's brain was not working one hundred percent.

One day Charles had a vision that became an idea that he wanted to materialize and that was to create a substance that when consumed by human beings, their brains would regenerate. Helping his father was his great inspiration.

The first thing he remembered were his experiments with fruit grafts that grew at great speed. He spent whole days and nights awake perfecting this masterful formula to achieve his goal.

He first chose the coffee fruit as part of his scientific trial, since coffee contains an important amount of antioxidants that contribute to neurological regeneration and it is considered worldwide as one of the most important beverages in the world.
worldwide as one of the most consumed beverages, so if he succeeded, this could reach many people.

Charles had his own laboratory and a small staff. He presented his project to the government but they did not give him the financial support he needed to carry it out. But a wealthy philanthropist who had a mother who was also showing signs of neurological degeneration made him a substantial donation.


Once the project with the coffee beans was completed, he prepared a drink and tested it on his special laboratory mice, observing how their brains functioned at a neurological level. When everything was ready and he had to make his first tests on humans, the philanthropist's mother and Charles' father were the volunteers and the improvement in his neurons and the regeneration in the deteriorated parts of his brain was such a success.

A couple of years later, this invention, which he called "Cafetolina", was a great contribution to science. People improved a lot. Charles was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine and showed the world that we can all achieve our dreams. Over the years Charles founded a hospital which he named "Willians Stevens University Hospital" in honor of his father who had already died of old age, the person who always believed in him.

Thank you for reading and I hope you liked this story, which was inspired by a conversation that took place a couple of weeks ago between my son Andres and his father, where my son seeing that his dad constantly forgets his car keys, told him that someday he was going to be a doctor and he was going to invent something so that his brain would not forget things and thus cure him and that his brain would work one hundred percent like his own.

It was a pleasure to participate. I invite to participate to @davidpena21.



Me despido.

I bid you farewell.

Todo el contenido que se encuentra en esta publicación es de mi autoría, cualquier duda hacer mención a mi persona y con gusto les responderé @surglen.

All the content found in this publication is my authorship, if you have any questions, mention me and I will answer you @surglen.

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It would be wonderful to have that antidote for the neurological regeneration, There are many Charles in this life who wants to help his family to cure him, a very creative story friend that I like.

A hugI liked the story my friend @surglen. There are many studies about the benefits of coffee but the only thing I know is that it activates my happiness hormones. It makes me energetic and happy to have a cup of coffee.