Crystal Clear Universe

in #spirit7 years ago (edited)

Hi Everyone, My name is Chadrick Britton the founder/artist of Crystal Clear Universe
I Created this universe to spread the awareness of crystal gemstones with a twist of Universal Knowledge ;
I know that I am a spirit living a human experience, just like you reflection.
I have gone through my share of lessons in the Piscean Age and have been doing a lot of healing just like you soul family now that we are in the Aquarian Age. I been working on becoming the change I want to see in the world and it has been a uphill battle of highs and lows just like you; however, I learned how to stay up more then down and by doing so it became easier and I became lighter like love and light. Before I am became who I am today I used to have a lot of low energy thoughts; I shifted when I decided to not play the victim anymore and become child like again in this world because I was living like I knew everything when life was always showing me more through those experiences and those experiences gave me the most valuable lessons of my life that I will care with me from this life to the next. When I decided to be the driver of my life crystal's came along in the journey and taught me about the world of energy , belief, faith, frequency, honesty, love, compassion and everything that stems and breathes positivity.![7cce6062566c5ea11b4505.80509770-AR_0.99959_.jpeg]
I ended up loving Crystals so much I made a wire wrapping, crystal jewelry, to making Hip Hop music type business @crystalclearuniverse on instagram
Crystal audio on soundcloud:

Crystal video on youtube:

I have trained myself how to see the magic in life, as I once did as a child!


Expressing the light outward, being vulnerable but yet still strong in spirit and whit for any challenge that might come my way because like crystals I transmut, emit, and magnify positive energy.


Meditation Connected me more to my spirit as I began to clear and quite my mind and ride myself from demons.


"The most common way the power of crystals is explained is through frequency. Because at molecular levels crystals are arranged in a highly ordered structure, they are one of the most cohesive expressions of physical matter. Most crystal workers believe that because their vibrations are pure and undistorted, they have the ability to positively influence the human vibrations they come into contact with. However, if we are someone who lumps the idea of vibrations being able to affect humans in with esoteric nonsense, then this perspective won’t hold water. But even if we disregard the frequency aspect of crystals, it is still possible to rationally explain the crystal phenomenon.
We all know that we can be affected by things that have no innate powers, just by believing that they do. We call this the placebo effect. Though science uses the placebo effect to denounce many esoteric phenomenons, it actually supports one of the most controversial ideas: the idea that our minds can affect our physical reality. New research that analysed the results of 84 clinical drug trials from 1990 to 2013 for medications prescribed to treat chronic pain, found that in the US the placebo effect has been steadily increasing. [source] By 2013, patients receiving just placebos remarkably experienced on average a 30% decrease in pain levels.
This demonstrates that belief can be a powerful key that allows us to unlock mental states and abilities that we might not otherwise be able to access. As Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D explains, “If the brain expects that a treatment will work, it sends healing chemicals into the bloodstream, which facilitates that. That’s why the placebo effect is so powerful for every type of healing. And the opposite is equally true and equally powerful: When the brain expects that a therapy will not work, it doesn’t. It’s called the nocebo effect.”

Please follow and I will follow back I am new but very excited to be apart of this community and eager to share my insight and value