@Spirits4you searching for your favourit spirit/ drink/ cocktail... FREE spirits or SBD giveaway!

Hey fellow steemians,

just a quick reminder of who we are and what we do:


Me( Martin) and my business partner( Stas) are @Spirits4You - a startup founded in 2017 trading goods especially fine high quality spirits. This being said we mainly looking for products of outstanding quality. However as we know that not all of the community is willing or able to effort high - pricing alcohol we also made it our goal to find good & affordable spirits.


Q: So what´s the aim of this post then, Martin?
A: We want to challenge YOU guys to come up with your favourit drinks, cocktails and spirits and introduce them to us. Make us want to try them & tell us why this drink is standing out of the masses.

Q: What are you looking for exactly?
A: Pretty much any smooth & gentle spirit, outstanding handmade cocktails or any drink which we may not know about it yet.

Q: Why should I be doing this? What can I win?
A: This is a great opportunity to share your favourits with all of us so people from around the world will learn about it. Furthermore it will allow you to win free BOOZE sponsored by us!

Q: How can I participate?
A: Write an article and post it under #spirits4youchallenge; do not forget to include some good pictures showing how you made it and that is really your oringinal work. We do not tolerate any plagarism so make sure to indicate your references correctly( otherwise your post will be disqualified and if needed will have to report you!).


Q: How do I win and how will I know about it?
A: We at @Spirits4You will select every 7 days potential candidates which we may want to try out ourselves. The article making us try out your favourit drink will be selceted as the winner. We will then announce a winner every Sunday.


Q: Are there any specific requirement to participate in it?
A: Yes. You need to have a passion for good quality spirits, have a reputation of 40+, have to resteem & upvote this post and when handing your posts in tag them under #spirits4youchallenge. Furthermore shipping regualtions for spirits have to be taken into account, hence it may not be permitted to shipp them into every country - in such case we will sent the winner 1 SBD.


Shipping costs:

within Germany: free
within Europe: 15€
rest of world: on request.
pick up possible as well; free of charge & most often offered a free drink too :)

Follow us at @Spirits4You and #spirits4Youchallenge

Pictures by @Spirits4You; Nikon D5300; TAMRON AF 70-300mm MACRO; 20.09.2017 - 11.01.2018


coole Idee Martin! Viel Spaß & Erfolg... Ich hoffe, dass viele mitmachen und dass so cool wie die ColorChallenges wird


Dank @pipurella bin ich jetzt auf diesen Artikel gestoßen, der war mir durchgerutscht. Werde es gleich dem Herrn des Hauses weitererzählen und denke mal, er steuert was bei.

Das ist schön zu hören, Sabine :) Patrick sein Post ist natürlich schon mal eine Hausnummer, muss ich gesehen :)

Whenever i travel south i make sure to stop in Kentucky and get a bottle of ever clear. Banned in ohio. Then i put it in a jar with cherries or apple slices and a cinnamon stick. Let it sit for 5 or 6 months. So good very sweet.

hey... how strong is that stuff? Somewhere around 95%, right? Find the idea of making my own booze as such nottoo bad an idea :)

let´s see..

Its hard tell how stong by the taste. I would guess around 85 to 90%.

Ich geb euch meine Idee für regelmässige Upvotes...

Mittelmässigen Vodka in kleiner Flasche,
Ahoi Brause in den Deckel (cool wäre ein Mechanismus, der den auslöst, wenn man öffnet)

Nennt das ganze "BSE" und lasst die Leute beim Trinken wie ne bekloppte Kuh mit dem Kopf wackeln. Ich hatte das mal vor über 20 Jahren als "Vorpatent" angemeldet und versucht an die Macher von "Pfläumli" zu verscherbeln. Is nie was draus geworden...

Viel Spass damit ;-)
(DAFUQ jetzt hab ichs schon verraten)

ahahahahha ... wie geil LOLOLOL ... ein Versuch ist es aber auf jeden wert.... ich lass Dich wissen, wie das ganze augeht :)

Ich hatte das Marketing damals ausgearbeitet bis hin zu "BSE-Parties" mit Kuhhörnern und Eutern zum umschnallen... war vielleicht für die damalige Zeit bissi viel.

Hmmm, da habe ich von meinem Lieblings-Spirit keinen hier und die kriegt man hier auch nicht. Da muss mein Post dazu noch etwas warten, aber der kommt bestimmt, spätestens, wenn ich wieder in der Schweiz bei meinen Schwiegereltern bin...

ohhh ... ich bin gespannt & voller Vorfreude ... LOL

immer her mit dem guten Stoff :)