I gotta say hands down this may be the best motivational speech ever recorded in human history. It may also not be, perspective and such. I haven't been talking about my dreams as much lately and I guess it's a good time to share why, to be completely and utterly honest they have sucked. What have my dreams been about? I haven't been lucid dreaming much, most of them are the old school autopilot dreams where I don't have much decision making potential and if I am able to take control of the dream I am usually awakened abruptly. Well, here goes my last several dreams and why I think the message that is never even said is more important than anything that actually happens in them.
Over the last few days I have been having dreams about the twin connection again that led to this whole spiritual journey. It's interesting because the less I consciously think about them throughout the days and just flow on my own path, it seems to amplify the subconscious and dream messages. So far I have been having dreams that I would say are on some level undesirable, at least during the dream, but when I awake and put new perspective on them it's clear what they are telling me. First and foremost, I am not the person that would make stupidly judgmental decisions and be unaware of them anymore, and also, just because parts of the journey we take through life may be unpleasant, we still have the ability to learn from them and benefit.
I honestly don't even want to detail the complete bullshit that was in the dreams. The fact is in the dreams I was being reactive and making assumptions about things and it was sabotaging what I wanted. I appreciate the reminder from the universe, I honestly do, and I don't know if it's trying to prepare me for what's coming and how it may look like something I don't want or if it's just a test to find out how I react to old situations. I'm not that insecure person that couldn't love myself anymore. The thing about being whole is that while I know there are things I want more than anything and people I care deeply about, I know how to control myself and more importantly how to apologize when I fuck up. We are all capable of slips and falls along the path to who we are becoming and accepting that is part of the process. Namaste.
Thanks a lot!
Takes a wrestler's power stance and points at you. DO IT!!!! JUST DOOO ITTTT!!!
While Shia's speech is very funny and inspiring at the same time I like this one a lot more:
I would like to start a formal petition to rename this video. Let's call it, "How to melt a snowflake."
haha mega inspirational this vid.. don't even remember my last dream now that you mention it...
hahahaha enough already!
Thanks for sharing
I will watch the video during the weekend
have a nice weekend
Oh the video is intense. :)
I watched just few seconds
Have some problem with my pc
be sure I will watch it fully by the weekend
and i will back to you with my comment
Shia lebouf did an excellent job, nice post my friend.
Such an intense and exciting video. Even it can ignite my emotions when I am broke .
You said tomorrow YESTERDAY!!! JUST DO IT!!!
This was so inspiring. Thanks. I needed that kick up the arse.
:) I have to give myself one every day, figured I'd share today's lol.
This guy....lol
It's true... JUST DO IT!!
Best motivation ever because of how it was given! This video went viral because the public was allowed to do what they wanted with it. The motivation itself was the freedom of imagination...
"If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up!"
I always knew that @clayboyn was moonlighting as Shia, I knew it!
Like you said not sure if it is the worst or best motivational speech... I've been trying to lucid dream for a while and have only had a few, good luck with your journey.