I had a feeling that today was going to be extremely high energy and I have been preparing for that. I have been doing a lot of emotional release through the poems I have been writing for the last few days and I have been focused on maintaining balance and the mission. Greater perspective and awareness has now given me the ability to not assume or develop expectations based on lucid dreams or astral projections, but the dream I had that woke me up today was so overtly specific and reminded me of the dreams I had before the spiritual awakening process had started. The blind faith dreams that just told me everything I needed to know and it was only when I started questioning them that things went off course. Ultimately it was for a solid reason and in mine and the twins best interest, but it still took months to sort out the emotions and knowledge gained from that experience and I have been running on literally nothing but faith for a while now.
I am not going to detail the dream that I had because I am honestly not sure if it was just a very vivid lucid dream or an astral projection. The message from the dream was that the twin is aware of the changes and growth that I have undergone and has been doing the same, essentially it was telling me we are both on the same page. The important difference is that I am now aware enough and have developed my own sense of self enough that I am not assuming that means anything even though I was specifically told by the twin during this experience that "they are on the way." Okay, I have thought that for months now, but thanks for confirming it I guess. The point is I never believed there was any other way to look at it. I never felt like anything ended or was going to end. I also am not going to set myself up for disappointment and assume that whatever this experience was means to expect anyone to show up at my door soon. Do I want that to happen? Obviously. Do I expect or assume anything anymore? Not a chance. Namaste.
my friend, @tu-mon-amie, said we are in the middle of something called, "The Push". so energies are high. i think. it's a busy time for us all. I too have had some very lucid dreams lately. I wanted to remember last nights, but the neighbor's tv news woke me and washed it away. otherwise,
write down your dreams friend. i give you that secret. write them down pen and paper style. even if just a few reminders. thank you for this reminder to try again tomorrow. namaste.
and thank you for the steem from the fun pun challenge. :)
:) I write them down or reminders if I don't vividly remember every detail. This one I won't forget. As far as the pun contest :) Maybe we'll have to halve another juan sewn.
My wife and I have both been having particularly vivid dreams lately, many of them centered around "preparation" and "getting ready" for something that is to come. A lot of our friends who are tuned in to similar "frequencies" seem to be experiencing something along the same lines...
Something is coming, that's for sure.
they are on the way- many already here and I'm really thinking we'll be meeting them this summer : )
Maybe :)
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