It has been a while since we focused on such a spiritual topic, and I'm glad so many of us on the ecoTrain wrote on this same question. If you haven't seen the QOTW before, we ask a different question every week and then around 8 ecoTrain passengers write a response. This post brings it all together for you to read, compare and contrast. It's always so interesting to read our varied perspectives, and this week we have some fantastic articles to read.
I would also like to welcome aboard the ecoTrain our newest passenger @trucklife-family ! She wrote his first QOTW and made a fantastic start as a passenger and contributer of great original content. Steem on @trucklife-family and enjoy the ecoTrain ride!
Please do let us know your own answer to this question in the comments below. We know there are so many amazing people on Steemit and we value your opinion!
Hi dears,
So....What does it mean to 'Be Spiritual' and do you have to act a certain way to be a spiritual person?
Basically: No, you don't have to act a certain way to be a spiritual person.
Why not?
Because spirituality, above all, means to get to know your own spirit.
No, not someone else's spirit, your own. :-)
And to learn to listen to it's guidance. Your spirit knows where you are in the cycle of life. It knows what you have learned and what you still need to learn to be the most loving version of yourself at your own level of development.
I fart, I burp, I pick my nose, I swear at people (when I'm really upset), I smoke, sometimes eat meat, and I don't do yoga .. but AM I A SPIRITUAL PERSON?!
To be a spiritual person means to come from a place of unity with all life, whilst also serving our own selfish needs. Being selfish is important and not always a bad thing! Compassion and connectedness are a natural state when your heart is open and you are aware of your existence as a small part of a greater whole. If we feel angry, and have righteous anger toward someone, then that feeling is connected and grounded in truth and honor; in this case for ourselves. If on the other hand we are acting out from our wounding and simply being toxic and very angry, then we are coming from a place of disconnectedness, and with a closed heart.
I always have something to say when it comes down to "Being Spiritual". The hardest thing to do is actually structure what I want to say, because "Spirituality" can be perceived in many ways. So I'll try to summarize what I personally think and what the concept means to me.
Being a Spiritual Person. There isn't one person on this planet who isn't "Spiritual". There are only those who are not interested in their "Spiritual" development on a personal level.
@eco-alex knows how to make you think and I am endlessly grateful to him for raising this week such a great question.
Looking back to my life, I can tell that I was blessed to meet a lot of people who I can call "spiritual”. At the same time, they are so different and every one of them brought a certain quality to this definition for me making it is quite a complicated topic to write about. Though I never thought that something being complicated as a drawback so I will try to sum up my vision in this article.
We are all Spiritual beings.
Some of us ignore it and there are others that have forgotten it.
But there are some in this world that are aware of an unbalance on the earth, who see and feel the injustice being done. Who want to go beyond the idea of self, which strives towards individual salvation, this sense of self isolates us and makes us easy targets for whatever fad is present in our society.
We are living in a world which teaches domination over nature and as a result we have become alienated from ourselves and from the natural world. This attitude of domination has given some humans the license to pollute and destroy our home without a seconds thought. This is the time of the ego.
Wow, what a great question this time!
As a former member of the Yoga Vidya community, the biggest yoga ashram outside of India (see, us Germans take our spirituality serious), a yoga teacher who neither teaches nor practices yoga ( I renounced renunciation) but can still talk a great deal spiritually if so required (and I guess, this is the case here and now), as the ecotrain author with the smallest ego, I of course jump on this opportunity to spread love and wisdom.
In a nutshell the answer to this week´s question is my guru Swami Sivananda´s credo “Be good, do good.“, but since this answer lacks the sophisticated qualities all of you have come accustomed to expect from my articles, I have to spice it up a little bit.
Thanks for being here with me and the ecoTrain!
We are a small community that support each other because we love what we write.
check our our ecoTrain magazine at @ecotrain
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Reading them all in 2 minutes :-), i liked the start of @vangelov. Everybody is spiritual.
And your start was also strong :-)
thank you!
I liked your first lot very well I first read the post very much
thanks for sharing that! glad u enjoyed it!
I liked this event very much for you. I hope you get this event in the future
I really like this post a lot man can i resteem this post?
no need to ask to resteem.. just do it! -) thanks a lot
well I first read the post very much
So cool!!
I certainly think 'being spiritual' is a state of 'being' more so than a state of 'doing'.
You can have a whole lot of spirituality going on inside, and that isn't necessarily reflected on the outside, although it can be too.
I've always liked the quote, "We are spiritual beings having a human experience." :)
Is it possible to be human without being spiritual? The mind does many things. It tells your body to breath, your heart to beat, your legs to move as you walk down the street often with out a conscious thought. But we do have thoughts that come through as a voice, in a language that we understand, and we listen and react with an action or as if we are in a conversation.
Well there is the proof. When we have thoughts that come to us as a voice... Who is listening? Who is speaking?Why must it be in a language that we understand? Why must it have that vocal quality or be in a language at all?
We use language to speak in a physical reality where there are other individuals seemingly separated from our own identity. So if this is all happening within the local region of the brain, why the language and the decision to react or not? It is because our identity of self expands beyond the visceral reality of our physical lives. We are all spiritual whether we accept it or not. We have a relationship between our physical identity and our non-local identity. They literally communicate and work together to not just navigate but to discover meaning, purpose, and to learn. This is the experience of being human and it is defined by our spirits relating to our senses. Every single one of us is spiritual.