I went to sleep last night pondering another post I had just read.
I awoke this morning with the inspiration of sharing an experiment I read about and tried back in 2013.
It is Metaphysics 101, basic but helps relate to others the importance of keeping your thoughts and emotions in check. It is a simple but effective tool to demonstrate the power of love and positivity. A reminder that our emotions, thoughts and words are powerful waves of energy.
Now as I stated, I didn't make up this. Scientists in a physics lab came up with it. I first read about it in a lovely book by Pam Grout called E-squared. An easy to read, entertaining book and I highly recommend it!
So if you want to play at home you will need to gather:
2 wire coat hangers
2 plastic drinking straws
A pair of snips (to cut the hangers) and a pair of scissors (to cut the straws)
We are going to make some energy 'wands'. Cut the hooks off your coat hangers, underneath the tied area. Our goal is to make an L shape with the longest side being approximately 30cm (12in) and the other side around 10-15 cm (6 in). I cut off the third shortest side as the length of the other two sides was more than ample.
Cut the straws in half ( it depends if you have big hands - you can cut them so one piece is bigger than the other - which is what I had to do. Slide the straws over the smallest side of the wand and, if you want, create a bend in the wire to stop the straws from sliding off. ()
Wa - La. You have made your wands!
Now to put them to use.
Hold the wands chest height, initially they may move around uncontrollably and may take time to settle. Here is where your mind and power of your thoughts come into play.
Keeping as still as possible, think as negatively as you can, imagine the worst or speak out loud if you have to. Watch how the wands react. They come together and cross which is a display of your energy closing and withdrawing.
Now compose yourself and then start lifting your vibration by thinking positive thoughts. Imagine wonderful positive experiences, think of those you love - watch the wands react and open.
You have just witnessed your energy field expand. Amazing isn't it.
I have just played with making my first short video (so please don't be to critical) so you can watch a quick demonstration if you desire. I will try to link it to the bottom of the page.
That positive energy is what you send out to the world and universe. That is the energy that attracts more positive energy to you. Doesn't like attract like?
Ultimately, that is the energy where manifestions and miracles are born. Making us co-creators in this world.
You can't fool this energy all of the time. We can all be positive in short bursts or for certain situations. It is through authenticity and the practice of unconditional love that keeps this space open. We need to maintain an awareness of our thoughts all of the time.
I am not going to harp on about the negative thoughts. Just give some thought to the potential of how negativity and stress impacts the body, your entire life and those you interact with.
I could go on all day - but I won't.
Play with the wands and find out for yourself - see how quickly you can lift your own frequencies and discover the benefits.
Ps this is really cool to do with kids.
As always - love living life!
You hippie kids get off my lawn :)
Lol well hello there!
Just spreading the power of positivity 😁
That's cool! I'll have to try this with my kids :-)
Do it - its eye opening for them when they can relate to the energy behind their thoughts, words and actions.
My son in the video is almost a master at changing his mindset from negative to positive.
omg when im not tired tomorrow i am doing this!!! Powerful <3 Ive read that ebook years ago,... might need to download again!
And i just looked at your blog - I am not good with astrology so look forward to following you and learning more - thanks for finding me!
awww awesome!! Astrology is mind blowing! <3
Excellent !
Did you do the experiments back then?
Yes i did do some, i don't remember that one though so maybe it didn't do many or all!! Its was years ago though and i don't have a good memory lol!