in #spiritual7 years ago (edited)



As a teen I delved into the forbidden world of smoking marijuana with friends for the sake of the fun of it. There were times when it was awesome and then there were the days when it all went pear shaped and I suffered profound paranoia which eventually put me completely off partaking of it.

Many years later and a lot of devotion to searching for answers as to even why substances like this are found on the earth I have come across answers that truly satisfy my question. I hope that in some way my experience and experimentation will give you an answer that will help you in this quest and grant you the peace of mind that I have found.


Everything is a vibration of energy.... from the Atom to the Blue Whale. From thoughts to emotions to Lettuce and Potatoes to the very breathe we take.... all is a vibration of energy that is either beneficial to us or detrimental. You just have to see the effects of the abuse of alcohol or poisonous narcotics on the face of the person abusing it to see that. Or the effects of a good balanced diet and exercise on the person who chooses that kind of lifestyle.


I love the term for “GOD” as the ALL, the IAM or the SOURCE because these words denote that everything.... everything and again.... EVERYTHING as an interlinking oneness and nothing is separate. A drop of water in the Atlantic Ocean is one with the drop of water in the Indian Ocean even though they may have different characteristics like temperature, salinity or PH they are one body …. WATER.


Yip.... as is everything else in the universe including you and me and the flea on the dog. If we treat everything with this mindset …. oh how amazingly different we would all be.


My first time smoking marijuana with this mindset was still a bit daunting as I have had a mental block against partaking of this plant for many many years. But because of my “Spiritual” awaking a couple of years ago and my quest to expand my consciousness of who I really am and the meaning of life I decided to take the plunge and give it a go before I went into a meditation session. The first thing that I noticed was the increase in heart rate.... then the doubts if I had done the correct thing and then then the negative response “in my mind” of anything I thought about. Because I had set my intention , and I will get into that.. I was easily able to overcome and enter into a deep state. Marijuana brings you right into the moment where thought is concentrated to one subject at a time and leads on to the next and next... going deeper and deeper. After a while I had no thought and all I felt was amazing surges of energy through my body, over my body and in my head. The second time I had very little of the onset negative thoughts and was an absolute blissful time of gaining wisdom and understanding of the universal energy that we are all interwoven together with.


In grams I have no idea … but I literally took three little clumps ..probably the size of the marijuana seed … crushed into a tobacco mix and voilà. It was at night and I sat in total darkness on my bed in a meditation position and started my normal breathing as I would at any other session. The effect was very fast and lasted about an hour... that’s all that I needed and wanted.
Intention, I feel is the key here. I acknowledged that GOD was the plant, that I loved the plant, that I asked the plant to help me expand my understanding and consciousness of who I am etc... etc.. Intention! …. make your intention known... love the plant.. talk to it.. hold it to your heart Chakra.. honor the divinity in the plant.... and trust!


All arts are forms of meditation. Painting.. Music.. Drawing.. Writing, Singing … whatever whatever.. DONT use for recreation with mates at parties mixed with alcohol etc... I do not use marijuana at every mediation session, but follow my intuition as to when to use it.

I truly hope that my story may help you and guide you and given you some clarity.


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