Follow The Star

in #spiritual7 years ago (edited)

Welcome to @MetaRadiant!

A Sanctuary where I create original poetic rhymes filled with magic, inspiration, wisdom, spirituality, and humor from my real physical and lucid experiences. Enjoy!

Photo taken by me of "The Star" from Sirian Starseed Tarot

Im Sirius, Follow the Star
If your curious, it's not bizarre
Journey mysterious, mystic memoir

I experienced the physical ethereal
After speaking with Venus lyrical
Experiencing shift of reality material

We spoke of next Questing travel
Manifesting the next step to unravel
Where Divine Mother guides us to dazzle

Flowing with pure simplicity
Being of service in authenticity
Manifesting all in synchronicity

I physically saw the reality rift
Vibrations all around me begin to shift
As vibrant Bright Orbs moved in the midst

Flying around me softly bright
A very intelligent rainbow yet white
With reminder to be the starlight

I meditated on this physical lucidity
Experiencing feelings of tranquility
Doing intuitive card reading for validity

I pulled out "The Star"
As lightning bolts clear the tar
Of illusions and matrix bars

The way is clear
To manifest here
Of mastery I seer

The next level of awakening
Is experienced as hastening
For cosmic balance stabling

The stars shine above
Beaming you with love
Assisting when behove

Follow the inner star guide
Also guiding others in their stride
For healing & ascension glide

Yet grounded here and now
This moment we honor and bow
Respecting life with love; our vow

Shining with grace
Beyond time and space
Yet now in this very place

You are the Star
Here now; not afar
The Living Avatar



This is very beautiful, insightful, deep poetry! I am reblogging/resteeming it. :) You mentioned Sirius, too. One of my home planet, in fact, I just directly incarnated here from Sirius. I've been spending lot of my life-experiences over there in my previous lifetime. :)

Btw, I also see light sparks, orbs, aura, and some grid patters along with fairies floating around me now and then. ☺

Thank you! I am glad there are people here that understand what I am sharing and can relate =)

I also have journeyed from Sirius as one of my stops. I experienced being on some of their councils. I am aware from coming from another universe 2 parallel from the one we are in; a golden ruby one. I also remember being a dark creator where I destroyed and raped universes lol.. It was not a pretty feeling being a master of the dark arts. But now I experienced the other balance of being very loving and compassionate, and an exorcist when needed. And later along the way I remember coming down to the 15th dimension to observe and worked with Selene, a Moon goddess. (

This is my 5th time on earth. In earth terms I have not been here much, but in other terms, ancient. I grew up being able to see spirits and other interesting things at a young age. As funny as this sounds, people used to invite me to funerals when I was younger to tell the messages of the family member that passed away because I could see and talk to them. I kind of stopped doing that as they became annoying like appearing in my room at night time which would freak me out before.

I would like to hear some of your stories sometime =)

You're welcome @metaradiant! It's amazing to see how much similiar we are, coz, I also remember being from the different universe than this one. There are so many coucils I've been part of and still I visit in some of those "off-world" council meetings, but I am not allowed to remember much of what transpires over there to keep certain things secret until the right/divine time come.

But I remember some of the glimpse of those visits and my role as a ground crew for the Ancient builder race to carry out my mission from the surface and do other important tasks like anchoring the energy portals, vortex and helping with grid-work. I clearly remember, one of my incarnation was a guard for some portals between 8D to 9D, As a portal guard, I created portals for those who have justified needs, Sometimes I had to go to certain places or certain stars to create portals. I also need to make sure those who go through the portals have good intentions.

I was able to see spirits too since my childhood. But I was being targetted and THEY put in-organic and organic implants, especially in my Etheric body. That act as a big barrier in my mission here. But still, I am able to recall some memories. I tried to remove j-seals myself, but couldn't able to remove all the seals.

Thanks for sharing your experiences with us.

Very awesome to hear about your story. Perhaps I may be of service to help you remove some of those seals.

Thank you @metaradiant! You are very kind, beautiful, advanced soul! Very few people know about "15D j-seals" and how one can remove them. Please let me know the guidelines for this process?

Thank you very much for your kindness! 💫

I am currently in the United States of America, California. I am guessing you may be across the world and this may not happen in a physical meeting. lol. Anyways the sessions are beyond time and space.

Do you have a picture with your full name? We can choose a specific day and time to tune in for removal of implants and seals. I will do some prayers and interdimensional magick to see what we can do in those realms to shift the physical essence for encoding of the ascension and activated ability templates. You can be in meditative receive mode during this chosen time of timelessness.

After 33 minutes, you may get up and hydrate with a lot of water, and write down your experiences and insights you may have received. If you are happy with your experience and prayer session, any donations are appreciated =)

Yes, I'm in India. That's great. I will put my picture below. (please don't upvote this comment so that I'll be able to remove my picture before 7 days.)

My full name is "Abhishek Rathore".

Please let me know your timing. Thank you! :)

Loved this. I had to tweet it out

Thank you very much! I am glad you loved it! Are there any specific theme poetic wisdom posts you would like to see in the near future?

Are you looking for poetry writing prompts? I’ve written from prompts and had quite good outcomes. How about this one: Pick an ordinary, utilitarian item – say a tool or an item used in construction; compose a poem about the item, but do not use the name of the item in the poem. In my poem “Bricks” came from this writing prompt.

Here’s one of my particular favorites: Choose a color and write a poem about the color without every naming it. I haven’t posted it here yet, by I was quite pleased with my poem, “Lost In Your Calidity.”

Another I had fun writing was to do the same thing with a food or beverage item. My poems “Morning Sunshine” and “Sweet Addiction” came from this writing prompt.

Thanks! I usually create my poems out of real experiences I have. I will compose a poem using that prompt without naming the color or item for my next post. =)