For many years my interests have lead me to dabble and explore all things historical, spiritual, magical and mystical. Dissatisfied and bored with the mundane, my brain likes to seek out the bizarre and unusual.
Having dabbled in Runes, Tarot, and even participating in a few psychic readings I’ve developed more then a passing interest in a historical sense.
Once, on the spur of the moment I traveled to the Middle East just to explore my spiritual side.
Earlier centuries are fascinating, the Enlightenment Period and Scientific Revolution. Alchemy, mysticism, the esoteric arts are all topics of interest as are secret societies and philosophy.
For several years it has been my mission to acquire my own special collection of books on mystical, esoteric, spiritual, and historical topics. Books are the drug of choice for the bibliophile.

Some of my collection
Its a natural curiosity that leads me to these destinations allowing me to explore another side. Some might call it a dark side, I prefer to call it my “enlightened” side.

My collection of Durrant’s History
Remember knowledge is power and learning is liberation...till next time.

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I have a terrible book problem. They just collect so quickly, then I can’tlet Go of them. 🐓🐓
Me too, I been thinning my collections down. I’ve found my interests have changed and it was time to let some go. Thanks for your support.
Spiral books are great, inspiring and magical! What would be the most enlightening book that you have read and is in your collection?