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RE: Sad baby ginkgo

in #spirituality3 years ago

Posting in your language is fine, even there one could assume a certain amount of effort has gone into a post, even though it wouldn't be easy to check if it's plagiarism. But a big stakeholder as you people would assume you're not plagiarising knowing that's not allowed and at the same time they'd assume you wouldn't be votetrading but using your stake on initiatives to (for instance, curate and welcome newcomers from the same language that may be arriving). The point is that votetrading activities once detected are easy to track, if you always have the same 5-10 people voting your posts and all of them also have your votes and you all share same activities of 1-2 posts per day, low effort, low engagement from anyone outside the circle, etc, it's easy to determine that this isn't genuine curation, most likely just autovoting without checking what's being autovoted and probably just a "silent deal" to vote on eachother as you all know that's how you can earn the most.


The point is that votetrading activities once detected are easy to track, if you always have the same 5-10 people voting your posts and all of them also have your votes and you all share same activities of 1-2 posts per day

It is not easy to tell the difference between voting activity as a friendship and vote-trading what you defines, therefore the user like me could be afraid of down-votes like you. Let me know in advance when you think it is bad vote-trading(?) later. My activity is also regarded as vote-trading that you define. It can make me passive and consider to leave.