Thank you :)
Well, the "accept the unacceptance" is really requiring to think around corners. Because we ARE willing to accept, so much that we want to let go any part of us which doesn't accept and let go.
Yes, letting go is key, acceptance is key. This is what heales 99% of our inner suffering. But to heal that last 1% of suffering, that last 1% that believes Separation is true and does not want to let go of this belief, we need to accept that unaccepting 1% in us. The 1% left that doesn't accept Separation. This is the ultimate Acceptance of Oneness.
Therefore I remember my favorite chant!
Lead me from the unreal to the real
Lead me from the darkness to the light
Lead me from the earth to the open skies
Lead me from death to immortality
Something like that you can translate it.
It’s an old chant which explain nearly the same like you on another way ;-)
Hugs to ya
For you my lovely spirit
Maybe you like it...
Thank you very much for this wonderfully vibrating chant. Divinely enough, the feeling of this song exactly reflects the mood and state of Beingness I have just felt during my walk out in nature :)
Nice that you like it and that it was the right mood