I'll link the video below.
The cosmology espoused is metaphysical speculation. I'll touch on where I agree and disagree with what Master William Lee is saying. Obviously, the basic idea of Gnostic cosmology is something I'm in complete agreement with.
Let's start with Sophia.No one knows who she is if she exists. She could be a part of a pair (with Kristos) and she could be a part of the first Aeons--those who first came out of the original Monad/Source. She could be a lesser Aeon and some say she was the lowest. There are those that say the lighted womb (The Holy Spirit) was the first thing that came out of the original Monad/Source and this would not be Sofia. The Lighted Womb, if this were correct, did not create the demiurge. Sophia did and she created a cosmic distortion--it's she who created the darkened womb in which we live. The Demiurge and the archons don't know what the lighted womb cosmos is like but by now they've come to have some understanding of it--or so I suspect. This is the version I'm most drawn to but its sheer intuition and ultimately I don't know as I'm an Agnostic Gnostic!
Humanity today is the result of the Archontic entities--these are the Elohim of scripture or the Demiurge and its archons. I lean towards manipulation of DNA by these beings of pre-existing natural hominoids. In other words, I don't believe we've been created as scripture suggests--fully formed out of the dust of the ground. There is another possibility, though, that is quite strange and difficult to consider: that we are an artificial intelligence; that we are incredibly sophisticated Avatars.
It's where I start to part ways with Prodigy especially in regards to his views on the soul (which could be correct). But if we're advanced Avatars then I doubt very much that we have a soul which of course explains why it can't be found. The chakras and kundalini would be deceptive programming of the archons. Reincarnation would also be a deceptive template. But if we aren't real at all then what are we? Well, perhaps nothing more than the imagination of the programmers. Or, perhaps there is something we don't know if this view is accurate and perhaps we can't know what we really are; or, we are no more than the imagination of the Gods. But this would come down to what the life spark is that Sophia hid within us.
Your thought is quite stimulating, @andrewmarkmusic. First time of hearing of an Agnostic Gnostic (as you would put it). I've heard faintly of the Avatar Theory, but I'm more in tune with the Matrix Theory which suggests that we are living the world of The Matrix (Illusion) where everything we see, touch, smell, hear and taste is a Simulation... I fell in love with "The Matrix" series ever since I started studying the theory...
Nice meeting you, friend. I'm somewhat of a Gnostic myself, being a Knowledge Hunter. However, I like to refer myself as a New Science Adventurer or a Transcendental Philosopher. Either way, I'm a Freethinker who believes more in Energy (Liberation, Realization) than in Matter (Illusion), though mostly compelled by the sick Society (The Matrix) we live in to think that Matter (Illusion) is the Real Thing -- my philosophy on that being that "The only thing that Matters in Life is Energy!"
Hey, igwe...thanks for dropping by:) I suspect the matrix theory and avatar theory are more than less the same although I'm suggesting they might not be. The primary split in Gnosticism seems to be whether this place is redeemable and I sit in it is not camp; in fact, it might be close to kaboom time again.
But like I said, I don't know for sure...
The earliest jnana gnostics in India thought this place sucked, too...I kind of sit in their camp and like the old Dvaita Vedantists believe the true God has nothing to do with this darkened womb brought into existence by Sofia...The Lighted Womb is our true abode.
Somehow I see this Earth Realm too as a warring universe. Redeemable? I'm not so sure about that. But I think it's a Training Camp for "the development of Character," as Aristotle would put it; or "the maturing of Soul," as I would put it. I may be wrong, but who knows?
So much confusing and conflicting "facts" of Knowledge. So much confusing and conflicting theories. Yet the real TRUTH appears to be elusive. For example, there is the Round Earth Theory, the Flat Earth Theory, the Hollow Earth Theory, and even the Pear-Shaped Earth Theory. At one point, I became a fan of the Flat Earth Theory. Then I came to a halt when I thought about the aliens (gods) living among us. How did they pass through the Dome? I asked. Is there really a galactic ocean in space as Flat Earthers would claim? Is the sun (and moon) local, and not 93 billion lightyears away...
To cut the long story short, I became more confused as a Flat Earther than I was as a Round Earther, even though I was more convinced of the Flat Earth Theory...
To make matters worse, it seems there's so much out there in space that NASA is hiding from the public. And that in itself raise more questions whose answers have not been -- or could not be -- provided.
But again, can Man truly find answers to all these cosmic confusions? Good question!