This is my second blog on the **Anurag Sagar. **
As I read this book I can’t help but think the idea of Loosh came from this work. It says that Kal’s food source is the human *soul!
An excerpt :
When all the souls have gone to Sat Lok, how will my hunger be satisfied?
And this:
There I will create such karmas and illusions that nobody will find the way out.
So these quotes are the demiurge speaking in the first person. Sounds like Loosh to me. The second one sounds like _Samsara, Maya, Matrix. _
Perhaps one can understand why I call this place a ‘deceptive construct’.
I ended my last blog on Kabir with this excerpt:
The path of Rambh Doot is that particular distortion of Sant Mat which can be called “intellectual non-dualism.” The Masters, including Kabir, teach the basic unity of the universe and the ultimate identification of the liberated soul with God; Rambh Doot is teaching that the bound soul is one with God [and that there is no God other than it),and therefore needs no initiation, no Master, etc. This teaching also ignores the inner planes and the existence of the Negative Power: these, like initiation, etc., are seen as dualistic and therefore inferior. The result of this teaching on its unfortunate devotee is the compounding of the illusion: since he is already awake, why should he make any effort to wake up? He lulls himself back to sleep with affirmations of his awakenedness.
Anyone familiar with my take on spiritual metaphysics knows I’m critical of the non-dual schools (especially modern neo-advaita) and this passage offers a glimpse of why. But a bit about Kabir. My research shows he did not write this work although the verbal passages are attributed to him. Apparently, one of his lineages (disputed) was Guru Nanak and the Sikhs. I acquainted myself with a general overview of their beliefs in the ’90s, and I even checked out services in their temples. Vancouver has a large Sikh community and I often worked for them so I was curious on multiple fronts. My reading is Nanak omitted Kabir’s metaphysics concerning the demiurge. I’d also add that to say Sikhism isn’t a religion today is completely disingenuous. And there is no other religion that idolizes their holy book more than the Sikhs.
And then there was Kirpal Singh. And it’s here that things get interesting to me. These teachings explicitly state that one cannot attain the highest state of consciousness without the aid of a master. Yet, Singh, while alive, said that he had not met one other single master! AND THIS IS A PROBLEM, isn’t it? I’ve quipped many times that when it comes to supernaturalism Elvis has left the building and when it comes to masters Singh seems to have said the same thing. Eastern mystic gurus are some of the biggest abuser grifters out there although that shouldn’t be too surprising as this book says that that will be a trademark of Kal’s work in this Yuga. But still, if Singh was right about the masters then we are in deep Kali doo-doo. In addition, I’d ask why the game of hide and seek from a Tri-Omni god? Why do these masters look like Tricksters more often than not?
This comment of mine unpacks the problem here:
Let me attempt to explicate some problems here from a modernist spiritual perspective. In games there are always associated rewards when one crosses any threshold within the game. And similar to golf one has to be able to demonstrate proficiency within the public sphere. It doesn’t work to claim one can shoot 4 consecutive rounds of 59. These words are meaningless without public demonstration. Unfortunately, today, in contradiction to the supernatural claims within these religious/spiritual books, said supernaturalism is non-existent, especially within the public domain. Which leaves us solely with phenomenology. But this too does not come with any objective or empirical associated rewards like one sees in almost every type of game. EXP.: Say one attains mastery over the first Jhana. What would make this coherent in the same manner as any game is if the mastery came with an objective empirical correlate like LEVITATION. So everyone who masters the first Jhana can display empirical levels of levitation. But this isn’t the case, is it…Everything is solely phenomenological. And it’s here that every kind of scam, Ponzi, falsity, and deceit, can and does infiltrate all spiritual paths and claims. Not to mention the likeliness of every type of gaslighting especially within cultures that lean towards theocracy as a societal structure. I’ve just blogged on The Anurag Sagar and it has something to say about the nature of this existence that does not jive with the metaphysics presented in_ this _video…
We should note the world’s religious traditions all claim to be written by supernatural godmen and all contain incredible stories of supernaturalism while all being internally and comparatively contradictory. All I’m doing is pointing out the inconsistencies of the claims.
I’d like to flesh out the difference between Christian Gnostic metaphysics (that I subscribe to) and the metaphysics commonly associated with Singh and the Sikhs. I’d cautiously state that Monism is the ultimate reality with the caveat that the origin monad did not create this particular physical universe so in a sense it is not causal although all things did ultimately spring from it. The first thought or action of the origin monad was called forethought known as **Barbelo. From Barbelo came forth the Word or Naam. But from the syzergy of Christ via Sophia a cosmic error was birthed and this is known as Yaldabaoth/Kal and it was this architect that is the origin of this particular material universe. Can you see how the original Monad is not causal within this context? And I’d add this view is similar to Samkhya in the Vedas.
Let me wrap this up with some thoughts on India. I’ve mentioned previously that I found it odd that the Vedas did not reference the demiurge nor dealt with the Jewish Question. Yes, I recently found Kabir. I wouldn’t suppose to guess what India would look like today if it had not been colonized and taken over by the East India Co. in modernity with its corporate economic fascism. See Miles Mathis for who was really pulling the strings in that regard. But these bad actors would never have supported or financed any Indian tradition that would have been a threat to them. So it’s likely they targeted and buried any Indian tradition that went against their agenda. Add to this the worldwide Noahide Law system that the rabbis want wherein all religions will become subservient to the Hebrew temple in Jerusalem and this system will merge with a worldwide economic system known as the beast in Christianity. It’s here especially that I find most Vedic schools problematic.
NOTE* if reincarnation is true then something similar to the idea of self does exist although it is likely more the matter of what self one identifies with.
NOTE** Nanak also describes forethought as the Great Mother but I prefer the Great Grandmother as there is (IM0) less gender involved in very old age, so in a sense, very old age is similar to an androgynous state (loosely speaking). I think Sophia is a better fit for the Great Mother but again, in my view, this place is more a darkened womb rather than the lighted womb of higher planes. I’ve said in previous blogs that the feminine aspect of Yaldabaoth is Sophia’s shadow–Lilith. I’ll add here that Singh seems to very much have distanced himself from Kabir’s view of Kal and this construct. So Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are to him not antagonistic to the original origin monad. It’s here I disagree and Kabir, in the Anurag Sagar, makes it pretty clear that this Trinity is corrupted which is my view.
Just a note that my critique isn’t with how Nanak lived. He tilled the soil and sowed the seed within a community very similar to the Amish. In my view, no true spirituality moves much beyond this and everyone in the community should share in the labor and reap the benefits as equally as possible. Believe me, the money lending cartels know this and it’s a major reason that they declared the land as Crown and removed people from sustaining a living from it with their own work.
But I’m not going to honour falsity in the form of religion especially when patriarchs like David and Solomon were ripped from 18th dynasty pharaohs. And that lie in the Torah means Christianity and Islam are false when they bow to this false narrative. I can point anyone to Marcion within the Christian sphere for a Christianity that is tenable with truth.
My grandma gave me a picture bible - it's like a thick manga full of stories!
Oh...nice granny:) Hmmm. Doing some slumming down on forever 69th ave I see.
I'm gonna reread my favorite Jacob and Daniel and friends [Shadrack, Meschak, and Abednego + the diabolic lion LOL I can't believe I still remember their names from Sunday School Quiz 😂] stories.
Knock knock, do you have time for the word of God today - sharing my pic bible with ya.
Which sect did u get indoctrinated into? J.W's?
My granny's a protestant.