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RE: Who or WHAT is "Lucifer"? - You think you know, but you have no idea

I've thought up a whole theology surrounding this one! :D
Premise 1) the idea is based on non-dual monotheism.
Premise 2) Jesus and Lucifer are the first principles of division of oneness into binary form. The male/female binary. Jesus, the male principle, deals with all truth, beauty, and goodness on this earth and always has and always will. Lucifer, The Left Hand of God, deals with every crap choice humans make! She's why life can be a bitch! But, and here is the rub, they work together in this vast stage of consciousness entertainment to bring all into the knowledge of the divine one.....
Premise 3) The Golden Rule is the 'code' they use to decide who deals with who. If you DON"T use unnecessary coercion and exploitation in your dealings with people and other life​ forms then The Right Hand of God will lead you into perfection. On the other hand, if upon gaining conscientiousness, one decides to exploit and use coercion to gain one's desires then one will have to deal with her......
Get it?
I should add: those who control religion and the books of religion​ always chose her through their own greed and avarice and that is why the books are false and inaccurate! She gave them what they wanted: power....


Had been thinking about similar concept this x-mas :)

It's a Quasi-Christian Gnostic/Judaic(alternative) 'hypothesis'/metaphysical speculation...

interesting, but too complicated in my opinion...
how can God have two hands if Jesus and Lucifer are the first principles of division?
and where is the holy trinity?
i don't know if i truly understood you...
is this like the yin and yang principle?

Hi, I'm not getting why that is complicated...One divided itself into two.....The right was called logos/Kristos (male energy) and the left was called Sophia (female energy)...The first Aeons in Gnostic cosmology....
However, anything anyone says on this topic is speculation as no one anywhere can prove ANY metaphysics....For myself, ​I dismiss the irrational, the illogical, and the historically inaccurate ( literal scriptures)...
FWIW: even historical Judaism correctly understood Satan to be an agent of God and in no way in conflict with God.....

Isis and Eras / Order and Chaos - the great teachers...Thy Rod and Thy Staff