I found it! Christian Gnostic teaching in India!
In a previous blog, Christian Gnosis and Hinduism, I suggested that tradition didn’t teach these ideas– at least not openly and overtly. I mentioned that the Vedas were not concerned per se about the problem of evil. Still, this writing addresses theodicy fully and completely and places the issue squarely on the shoulders of the demiurge.
A Gurudev named Kabir in the 13th/14th Century did pass on a treatise that is very similar to what the Christian Gnostics were saying. In this case, I’d argue that the Valentinian school of gnosis is very close to what Kabir taught.
From a modern alien/UFO perspective and at first glance it may not be a coincidence that the work starts with ANU! See _Wes Penre _who I’ve linked to previously for an investigation down that rabbit hole.
I’m not done reading this work but there are the usual claims to incredible supernaturalism within it and within that context, it kind of reads like the Urantia Book. There is that nit-picky issue of a Gurudev who was not born of a human mother asserting things that are considered unscientific today. The Urantia book suffers from the same problem. And yes, both treaties on metaphysics contradict on multiple fronts. Let’s put these not-small issues aside in this blog.
Kabir is another who claims nonhuman descent very similar to the ideas put forward by the early Marcionite church which taught that Christ showed up on earth as a fully formed adult in 29AD (probably looking like a 29-year-old man). The RCC and the Archons have made sure that tidbit of information has been wiped from HIS story– which in this case is named* KAL–the gnostic demiurge– AKA the poser god of the Torah also known as Chronos/Time/Yahweh/Enlil, etc…
Of course, from the Christian Gnostic perspective, all the fog clears if Marcion was right about Christ being non-Hebrew and not representing the god of the Torah (demiurge) but rather was here to confront the deception of Kal/Yahweh and the deceptive nature of the construct it created. And just for the record (FWIW) I hold the Docetist view on Christ as I think he only appeared human and of course, it’s laughable that the archons could murder the Aeon Logos (NAAM)…But some cosmic event did happen 2000 years ago– it’s just we cannot get to the truth of what happened by books written by the lying archons and their minions.
The N.T. wasn’t their first lie as the only real evidence for King David and Solomon were the Egyptian Hyksos Hebrew Pharaohs _Tuthmosis 111 _(David) and Amenhotep 111 (Solomon). See my blog,
Judaism is Egyptian Spirituality for many links and sources for this view on who the patriarchs really were. And just a note that if your Christian Gnosis does not incorporate this very specific point as foundational then it is a FAKE GNOSIS! Youtube is full of them.
This excerpt is something I’ve mused on for some time:
SECRET OF MY EXISTENCE: if no one knows of the existence of the Negative Power, then his actions will be ascribed to the Positive Power, as indeed they often are. Kal’s disappearance is tied up with his injunction two lines below: the most efficient way for him to prevent the worship of Sat Purush is to pre-empt it for himself, by allowing people to think he is Sat Purush. This is a pivotal point, and one of the main keys to the meaning, not only of the poem, but of the universe which the poem explains.
This reminds me of_ The Usual Suspects:_ the best way for the devil to hide is to pretend to be god (a loose interpretation). Although from the perspective of modern consciousness studies, I’ve agreed with the idea called Macro-Cosmic-Panpsychism–this is the hidden ‘demiurgic mind’ that is the Genesis of this material universe. Just a note that there is also micro-panpsychism which is a type of proto-sentience and according to this work I’d suppose the avenue for lower life form reincarnation.
Also a very important excerpt:
VEDAS: The Vedas, the most holy scriptures of Hinduism, are the Crystalization of the whole idea of religion as an expression of law (dharma) and hence originated with Dharam Rai (KAL). Their teaching is concerned with getting what one wants, and keeping this or that god from being angry with us, through various methods of sacrifice or manipulation of the gods. It is a great mistake to assume that the Vedas proper are a spiritual document; they are not. At a later date under the influence of the Masters of that time, the writings known as the Upanishads were added to the Vedas as a kind of spiritual appendix, but that is not what is referred to here. All Indian Masters from Buddha onward have been very consistent in this: that the Vedas are to be ignored and transcended.
Dharam Rai is another name they use in this work for KAL (demiurge) and this line explains my first sentence and why I was confounded that the Vedas didn’t cover the ground of the demiurge. DANG! The Vedas were written by Kal and his Archons! Although this IS something I’ve intuited for a long time.
On the creation myth: it is very similar to the story of Barbelo who is said to have birthed all existence and there is a conversation between Kal/Yaldabaoth and the Great Mother Spirit Barbelo/Adhya wherein Kal gets furious that he cannot access the Father Spirit of the Pleroma (so he copies it).
And this excerpt which is something I’ve intuited for a long time:
The original gift of the lower creation to Kal. One of the attributes of the Holy is that it is vulnerable, in the short term, to the activities of the unholy. The lower creation was given to Kal as a trust: the trust was betrayed, but, because of the nature of God, it could not be rescinded; it could only be adjusted to. Ultimately the souls who appear to be caught in the middle will not be the losers; they too will benefit from the Father’s love. Just as He loves Kal and will not betray His word to him, so does He love us and won’t betray His word to us: as Blake puts it, _“Eternity is ever in love with the products of Time.”_
Many of our theological quagmires can be solved if we factor in that we exist in a ‘quarantine zone’…
More to come on this, I think.
NOTE* from a secular study of historic attestations it at least offers a coherent possibility of why there are ZERO first-hand accounts of the life of Jesus as written. In the backwoods of a troublesome Roman province and for only 3-years it becomes somewhat more plausible why no contemporaries wrote about him. The fact is that the gospels are copies of copies and are dated hundreds of years after the life of Jesus (whoever he was).
I'm giving this one an analog thumbs up! It might also mean that I'm officially an intermediate wood worker. But note to self: don't go closer than 4 inches to the blade while it's powered up (DOH)...
Sept 11th add-on.
RAMBHDOOT The path of Rambh Doot is that particular distortion of Sant Mat which can be called “intellectual non-dualism.” The Masters, in- cluding Kabir, teach the basic unity of the universe and the ultimate identification of the liberated soul with God; Rambh Doot is teaching that the bound soul is one with God [andthat there is no God other than it),and therefore needs no initiation, no Master, etc. This teaching also ignores the inner planes and the existence of the Negative Power: these, like initiation, etc., are seen as dualistic and therefore inferior. The result of this teaching on its unfortunate devotee is the compounding of the illusion: since he is already awake, why should he make any effort to wake up? He lulls himself back to sleep with affirmations of his awakenedness.
In my next blog on this work I’ll start with the above. It’s an important paragraph so I want to unpack it. I feel I was charitable in this first blog and in the next one there will be more deconstruction and critical inquiry assessing the claims and contradictions within this work.
Ouch but congrats being an intermediate wood worker ! May the Indian Gods be with you.
My next blog on this work will not be as charitable...But even in this blog I did write that the Vedas are the work of the Archons...
I think you were level 70 now your Archons just demoted you.
And you are 70 so I'm not supposed to talk to you now...
Life is so unfair.