Spiritual teachers play an important role in our lives~

Here is one of America's leading spiritual teachers, healers and clairvoyants. I have already introduced Michael Tamura on Steemit. He is a remarkable man. He is a published author with an award winning book called You Are The One. Michael travels throughout the US and the world teaching and giving seminars and workshops on areas of soul centered development and psychic development.

Michael Tamura emanates an etheric light essence and takes time to communicate the most wonderful spiritual messages round the world. I find him an incredibly positive kind man.

This message of Michael's was shared on fb this morning by a like-minded friend and even though I have read it before it was a timely one as I rushed out the door to a meditation group.

To me personally Michael reminds me of the importance of seeing spirit in others and that we are all connected. No one is any better than anyone else. Everyone of us is on a journey of learning and evolving. There are a number of different ways each of us can develop our spiritual evolvement. The choice is endless. There is meditation, chanting, saying mantras, going to Church regularly. One can feel godly doing any of these things and this is lovely. But to me evolving is much more. It is about going the extra yard! Walking the talk is the essential component everyone needs. Showing compassion, kindness, understanding and acceptance of all people regardless of cultures and religion is the mark of a spiritual person. A simple smile and saying hello to a stranger in a street are two gestures that may make a person's day. We do not know if someone else is experiencing a rugged day!

Sending a hello and a smile to my fellow Steemians. Have a good day.



Enjoy reading my post. Feel free to comment


hey there @angiemitchell just think of what the world would be like if people would work toward what you just described, what we could achieve united! Most people don't even know that we are all spirits who live in a body..a temporary one. God bless!

Nicely said @janton. I reckon we just working on it. Change is coming.

how soon and what kind of change, good or bad? :)

I just finally discovered what's wrong with my brain: on the left side there is nothing right and on the right side, there is nothing left.

amo esto del mundo holistico